Governing Body

Composition of Governing Body

A five member Management Trust or management as per the constitution or byelaws, with the Chairman or President/Director as the chairperson

Two Teacher members of the College Nominated by the Principal based on seniority by rotation

One member Educationist Nominated by the management

One member UGC Nominee Nominated by the UGC

A State Government nominee Academician not below the rank of professor or State Government official of Directorate of Higher Education/State Council of Higher Education

A University Nominee

Principal of College Ex-Officio

Term & Meetings

Term: The Governing Body shall be reconstituted every three years except in the case of UGC nominee who shall have a term of five years.

Meetings: Meetings of the Governing Body are held at least twice a year.

Functions of the Governing Body

Subject to the existing provision in the bye-laws of respective college and rules laid down by the state government/parent university, the Governing Body shall:

Guide the college while fulfilling the objectives for which the college has been granted autonomous status.

Institute scholarships, fellowships, studentships, medals, prizes and certificates on the recommendations of the Academic Council .

Approve new programmes of study leading to degrees and/or diplomas.

All recruitments of Teaching Faculty/Principal shall be made by the Governing Body/State Government as applicable in accordance with the policies laid down by the UGC and State Government from time to time.

To approve annual budget of the college before submitting the same at the UGC.

Perform such other functions and institute committees, as may be necessary and deemed fit for the proper development of the college.

Members of the Governing Body

Members of the Governing Body
1 Chairperson Sr. Fatima Kattar
2 Vice Chairperson Dr. Sr. M. Mary Hilda
3 Member, Management Dr. Sr. P. Leema Rose
4 Member, Management Dr. Sr. K. Francy
5 Member, Management Dr. Sr. S. Sebastiammal
6 Staff Dr. R. Gladis Latha
7 Staff Dr. H. Jimsy Asha
8 Administrative Officer Sr. A. Asha
9 Educationist Dr. RM. Murugappan,Thiagarajar College, Madurai
10 State Government Nominee Dr. A. Ravindran, R.J.D. of Collegiate Education, Thirunelveli
11 University Nominee Dr. Y. Srinivas, Professor, Centre for Geotechnology, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Thirunelveli
12 Special Invitee Dr. J. Vinoliya Josephine Mary
13 Special Invitee Dr. Sheeba Daniel
14 Ex-Officio Dr. Sr. S. Sahayaselvi, principal