Holy Cross College Central Library is a treasure trove of knowledge with the slogan ‘Read to Know Thyself’. It has bright reader friendly aspirational spaces and comfortable seating arrangements. It knits people, reading and books together, with its quiet reading areas and research worthy collections. It is a silent partner in learning teaching, research empowerment and enlightenment. There are 59,593 books (36,131 titles), 48 journals with 8,048 back volumes, 33 magazines, 6,00,000+ e-books and 10,000+ e-journals. The facility of Open Access System is adopted in the library. The library has implemented RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology to enhance the security and efficiency of its operations. In addition to security, the RFID system also supports the automated circulation process, streamlining tasks like check-ins, checkouts, and inventory management. This system also allows for easier stocktaking and more accurate monitoring of library resources. Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) facility is an added advantage.
Holy Cross College library was established in the year 1965. It is a repository of rare books, special reports, e-resources, collection of theses and other knowledge resources. We have a special collection of books which are first editions, highly priced and rare. Some Valuable manuscripts of Sahitya academy, aficionados and other native writers are treasured. Other collections in philosophy, psychology, sociology and religion are found in the library. Also the library has a good collection of books from the authors of the locality. Digital library for both students and research scholars. HCC is equipped with comprehensive CCTV surveillance.
To be a welcoming space where learning, creativity, and collaboration thrive.
To provide the right Information to the right Users at the right Time and in the right Format.
On Working Days - 8:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
On Examination Days - 9:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
On Saturdays - 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
10:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.
10:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Users | No. of Books | Duration |
U.G | 2 | 7 Days |
P.G | 5 | 7 Days |
M.Phil | 5 | 7 Days |
Ph.D | 5 | 30 Days |
Staff | 20 | 90 Days |
Sl.No. | Particulars | Total |
1 | Books (Total) | 59593 |
2 | Titles of Books | 36131 |
3 | Rare Books | 1382 |
4 | Reference Books | 2095 |
5 | Department Books | 8521 |
6 | Book Bank | 778 |
7 | Current Journals | 48 |
8 | Back Volumes | 8048 |
9 | Magazines | 33 |
10 | Newspapers | 9 |
11 | Theses and Dissertations | 984 |
12 | Gift Books | 2775 |
1965 -1973
1973- 1982
2023-till date
Conducive ambience for easy navigation of information and retrieving quality resources.
Intensive collection of rare books, journals, magazines, souvenirs, valuable manuscripts of Sahitya Academy aficionados, creative writers and books on various disciplines.
Library Seeding Practice by Library Patrons.
Unique and Valuable back issues of journals, periodicals, magazines and e-newspapers.
Attractive Captions to promote reading habit and library based research projects.
Reader-friendly help desk and people friendly Librarian.
‘Crossian archive’ that treasures rarities and cultural artifacts.
Open access systemfor hassle free use.
Fourteen Lamp poles (Seven on each side) adorn the pathwayto the Library. They indicate the seven chakras in the human spine where consciousness and energy move from one frequency to another in spiraling fashion. Reading can bring the chakras into alignment and balance, leading one to self-discovery.
The tagline is ‘Read, Rejoice, Respond and Realize’.
Baggage Counter
UG Reading Hall
Question Bank
Encyclopaedia Section
Periodicals Section
RFID Technology
Computerized Circulation counter
Colon Classification
Manual Catalogue Section
OPAC Section
Book Drop RFID
N-List Access to e-resources
New Arrivals Display
Stack Room – UG Students
Career Guidance Section
Biographies of National Leaders
Dictionaries and Directories
Technical Room
Reprography and Printing Section
Digital Library
PG Reading Hall
Competitive Exam Books
Book Bank Section
PG Reference Room
Antiques and Artifacts Section
Thinnai Library
Little Free Library
Open Access System : Enables direct interaction with the bookshelves’ contents.
Reference Service : Help the library patron to get access to the information that they need.
RFID Technology : To protect library materials from theft or unintended loss and automated circulation system.
OPAC : Online Public Access Catalogue
Circulation Status : A specific book is on the stack or reserved or loaned or is in Binding
Reading Zones : Separate reading zones for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Book Loan Facility :Inter Library Loan Service
Readers Forum : Interdisciplinary, Multi-disciplinary and Trans – disciplinary knowledge dissemination through active Readers Forum.
Barcode : Barcode technology is used in the circulation system due to its speed, accuracy and reliability.
Internet : There are 12 computers available for the students and staff to access to electronic resources. The library has also internet and Wi-Fi connection for the staff and students.
Webinar : National and International webinars help in sharpening the educational agenda and turn a presentation into a real time conversation.
Model Question Papers : The librarian makes a concerted effort to gather and organise all of the question papers of previous examinations.
Orientation to freshmen students by the librarian at the beginning of each academic year, on the use of library, its rules and regulations, its history, its slogan, tagline and its expectations from students.
E-resource training programme on Inflibnet and other e-resources for both staff and students every semester.
Regular meeting of the Library Advisory Committee.
Prompt Display of the New Arrivals.
Tri-Annual Book Exhibition (5 days).
Book Review by both staff and students once a fortnight to build community feeling and inspire youth.
‘Weeding Out’ Books by involving the concerned department.
The Annual Best User library award.
Awareness given on traditional songs, folk tales, folk songs and ancient forgotten games so as to give them a new lease of life.
Details of books, journals, magazines and data charts displayed attractively.
Interaction with the ‘Literati’ and creative writers to build up confidence in youth.
Meaningful celebration of library week every year (Essay Writing, Caption Writing, Versification, Debates, Quizzes are conducted. Cultural Programmes are also held as part of the celebration).
Honouring life time achievers and writers through ‘memento moments’
‘Thinnai Library’ – where students can have unguarded access to books, periodicals, newspapers and other materials, relax and unplug their creativity.
Book Selection and purchase left to the choice of members of the faculty of the concerned departments.
Extension service to school children
Building Community, sparking creativity and Inspiring readers through ‘Little Free Library’. (Registered with 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization, Hudson.
Charter number and sign to add our Library’s photos, story and location to the world map.
Binding of books and periodical Volumes.
Library Information included in prospects and College Websites.
Intercom facility for easy communication among various departments.
Pasting of barcode, spine label and stamping in a definite place on the books.
Library calendar of activity and events.
Display of various library charts.
Library resources are preserved by using organic best repellents like Vasambu, Millettia Pinnata, Neem Leaves etc.
Keeping the library premises silent, neat and clean.
Books are barcoded through Libware software.
Computerized issue/return of books.
Reprographyand Printing Facility.
Orientation Programme: The students are given a basic awareness of the library facilities by the librarian at the beginning of each academic year.
E-resources training programme: Inflibnet and other e-resources training programme are given twice a year for both staff and students.
Reader-friendly help desk and people friendly Librarian.
Student Entry, Books, Journals, thesis Entries are done by using the software.
Resource Sharing: The library is an active member of N-list. We share resources with the library of St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering.
‘Touching Lives’: Students who have done a phenomenal service to others by way of counseling, saving lives or investing time and money in social service have filed their experiences in the library.
Manuscript of Student magazine ‘Crossian Voices’ is archived.
47 native creative writers including Sahitya Academy aficionados were honoured with mementos.
It is obligatory for all students of the college to be member of the library and Reader’s forum.
The library will remain open from 8.45 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. daily except on Sundays.
Students from all disciplines must bring their ID cards and Library cards to gain entry into the library.
Students are expected to leave their belongings in the counter at the entrance.
The library card is not transferable.
Students should maintain strict silence in the Reading Room and other areas of the library.
Newspapers are to be handled without shuffling, creases or crumbles with the pages intact.
Students have the privilege of direct access to the shelves in the stack room and the reading room. They are requested to respect the freedom and not misuse it.
Students will be given borrower’s tickets. The ticket will be returned to the borrower when the book is returned. Not more than 2 books will be issued for the UG students and not more than 5 books for the PG students at a time.
A student can retain a book for not more than a week. The book borrowed should be returned on or before the stipulated date mentioned on the date-slip. If the prescribed time has elapsed, the book must be returned to the librarian by the student herself.
Absence from the college shall not be an excuse for any delay in returning the books. Books due on a holiday shall be returned on the next working day.
A 24/7 book drop facility allows staff and students to return books at any time outside of regular library hours.
All books must be returned before the closure of each semester.
No one is allowed to pass on any book to another or to lend them to any one inside or outside of the college.
If a book is damaged, lost or spoiled, the person responsible shall replace it with a new copy of the book.
Books should be handled with care. Marking on books is most objectionable. Students are strictly forbidden to tear, cut out or scribble on pages of magazines, periodicals and books.
The photocopy section is for xeroxing only library books. The class notes, content and books from outside are not accepted.
In library Mobile phones should be kept in switch off mode.
Laptops and Palmtops are allowed in the library. And pen drives can be used on library computers, after ensuring their virus free status.
No |
1 |
6m x 13m |
78 sq.m |
Entrance Hall |
2 |
2m x 3.1m |
6.2 sq.m |
Librarian – Partition Counter |
3 |
17m x 9m |
153 sq.m |
Stack cum reading room |
4 |
6m x 7.5m |
45 sq.m |
Magazine and Circulation counter |
5 |
27m x 27m |
729 sq.m |
Reading cum Reference Room |
6 |
17m x 9m |
153 sq.m |
Stack Room |
7 |
3m x 3m |
9 sq.m |
Library Card – Book Issuing counter |
8 |
1.5m x 1.5m |
2.25 sq.m |
OPAC Section |
9 |
3.5m x 3.5m |
12.25 sq.m |
Xerox Service Counter (Partition) |
No |
1 |
29m x 29m |
841 sq.m |
Post graduate Stack cum Reading hall cum Competitive Section. |
2 |
17m x 9m |
153 sq.m |
Post graduate reading cum reference |
3 |
9m x 9m |
81 sq.m |
Under graduate loan book issuing room |
4 |
6m x 13m |
78sq.m |
Browsing Section |
No |
1 |
6m x 13m |
78sq.m |
Research Section
♦ Librarian Section
♦ Baggage Counter
♦ Computerized Circulation Counter
♦ Reprography and Printing
♦ Manual Cataloguing Section
♦ OPAC Section
♦ Stack Room
♦ Reading Hall
♦ Question Bank
♦ Encyclopaedia Section
♦ Technical Room
♦ Antique collections
♦ Newspapers, Journals & Magazines
♦ History Books
♦ Stack Room
♦ PG Reference Room
♦ Journal Section
♦ Dissertation
♦ Reading Hall
Book Total | 59593 |
Titles of Books | 36131 |
Rare Books | 1382 |
Reference Books | 2095 |
Department Books | 8521 |
Book Bank | 778 |
Current Journals | 48 |
Back Volumes | 8048 |
Magazines | 33 |
Newspapers | 9 |
Theses and Dissertations | 984 |
Gift Books | 2775 |
S.No |
Name |
Designation |
Photo |
1 | Mrs. M. Regish Mejella, M.A Eco. | Library Assistant |
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2 | Mrs. P. Johnsy Rani, B.Com., M.B.A. | Library Assistant |
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3 | Mrs. S. Mary Indira, B.Sc. | Library Assistant |
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4 | Mrs. Starlin Beril, M.Com. | Library Assistant |
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5 | Mrs. G. Selva Mary Prabha George, M.Com, M.Phil., M.B.A., B.L.I.Sc. | Library Assistant |
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