
   2025 - 2026 - PROGRAMMES OFFERED - HOLY CROSS COLLEGE(AUTONOMOUS), NAGERCOIL....ONLY COLLEGE WITH A++ GRADE IN KANYAKUMARI DISTRICT......    Last date for Registration -14.02.2025 - IIC and HCIIC organized Holy Cross Innovation Contest..............    27-02-2025 - International Conference on The Bio-Economy Revolution: Harnessing Life Sciences for a Sustainable Future organises by Dept of Zoology......    27-02-2025 - A Talk on Basics of Accounting - organises by Dept. of English Aided.............    28-02-2025 - National Conference on Strategic Foresight and Innovative Skills for Smart Material Research: Science for a Sustainable Future - organises by Dept. of Physics..........    25-02-2025 - Endowment Lecture on Applications of Nanomaterials organised by the Department of Chemistry, Mathematical Art and Symmetry - Drawing Contest organised by the Mathematics Club.......    27.02.2024 - Endowment Lecture on Overseas Internship and Education organised by the Department of English, Dr. Jespin Ida Endowment Lecture – Spices and Plantation crops organised by the Department of Botany, Session on IP Strategy for Entrepreneurs and Startups by IPR Cell of IIC.......    28.2.2025 - Seminar on Rethinking your Future organised by the Department of Corporate Secretaryship, ECON PETALS- Inter- class Cultural Competition organised by the Department of Economics, Seminar on Strategic foresight and research skills for smart materials innovation organised by the Department of Physics, Guidance for Competitive Examinations organised by the Department of Mathematics Club, Land to Lab organised by the Department of Computer Science, National conference on Bioentrepreneurship in Life Sciences organised by the Department of Zoology........

Feedback from Alumnae

VH - Very High
H - High
A - Average
L - Low
Courses have balance between theory and application
Well defined objectives for Syllabi
The books/journals prescribed/listed as reference materials are relevant, updated and cover the entire syllabi
The courses / syllabi of the subjects taught increases interest, knowledge and perspective in the subject area so as to pursue post graduation/Research in the particular topic
The techniques / strategies of testing and assessment of students were
Tests and examinations are conducted well in time with proper coverage of all units in the syllabus
The prescribed reference books / materials were available in the college/ department library in sufficient numbers
The syllabus enhance your employability and career skills.
ICT facilities in the college are adequate and satisfactory