31-01-2025 - Guest Lecture - Constitutional Rights,Workshop on Legal Requirements and filing procedures for Patent protection organised by IPR Cell, Campus Drive organised by Placement and Career Guidance Cell,Awareness on Road Safety organised by NSS SF.....    30-01-2025 - Expert Lecture on Artificial Intelligence in Bio Informatics- Online organised by the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science................    29-01-2025 - Campus Drive organised by Placement and Career Guidance Cell......    28-01-2025 - Tree Plantation Campaign organised by the Department of Botany........    27-01-2025 - Campus Drive organised by Placement and Career Guidance Cell, Seminar on IPR and IP Management organised by the Department of Botany in collaboration with IIC..........    26-01-2025 - Republic Day Celebration (Arts, Commerce department and office) organised by NSS & NCC.........    23-01-2025 to 24-01-2025 - NAAC Peer-Team visit..............    13-01-2025 - World Handloom Day organised by the Department of Costume Design and Fashion .............    11-01-2025 - Pongal Celebration ...............    10-01-2025 - National Youth Day - Essay and Poster competition organised by the Department of Zoology    09-01-2025 - Heritage Food Competition organised by the Department of Commerce, Smart Seed Carnival: Seedball Event organised by the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, My Bharath Outreach Program organised by NSS, Inauguration of Tulsi Sanctuary and Herbal Medicinal Plants Exhibition organised by the Department of Botany    07.01.2025 - Inauguration of Heritage Paddy Sanctuary and Heritage Paddy Recipes Competition organised by the Department of Botany, Guest Lecture on Indian Classical Literature organised by the Department of English in collaboration with the Department of Tamil

Support Service

Alumnae Association

The prime objective of the Crossian education is the multi-dimensional, well-integrated growth and formation of every student, entering into the portals, So that when they take wings into the wides, outer world ,they are able to take their rightful place in society , to live with and serve their fellowmen in love ,truth and justice.Every year thousands of students cross the Crossian threshold for higher education ,varied careers and to make homes and families.Alumni are the touchstones of the college with regard to intellect ,character, personality, values and achievements.

College days are the happy spring season in one’s life, never to be forgotten. Caught up in the busy tide of their career and personal life,they always remember their home institution with mixed feelings of nostalgia and gratitude.They,definitely, wish to have a link with their almamater and come back once in a while to relive the past and meet their friends.           

The Alumni Association provides the platform for the entire networking of the alumni scattered all over the globe.  It fosters , renews and promotes relationships and activities that enrich the lives of the members as well as the present students thus merging  the past with the present.


  • To bring the alumni under one forum to share and exchange experiences, knowledge, talents and achievements.
  • To conduct seminars, conferences, workshops, endowment lectures and other academic activities.
  • To create and establish alumni endowments for awarding Scholarships, awards and medals to the students proficient in studies.
  • To honour the former students who excel in the fields of service.
  • To render financial aid to deserving alumni in case of extreme compassionate circumstances.
  • To be in touch with the former students and keep track of their service, achievements and success.
  • To conduct Alumni day meet every year.
  • To organize cultural and educational programmes.
  • To encourage the alumni to take an active and abiding interest in the working and progress of the College and contribute their share in all possible 

The annual alumni meet is on the second Saturday of every year. It attracts attendance of a large number of alumni who are very happy to come back to the campus and meet their friends and teachers.The teachers are also happy to see their students well placed in life. During this meet the alumni share their memories past as well as their present experiences.It is really heartening to see the alumni from near and far and even across the oceans             meeting on that day. Those alumni with remarkable achievements are feted.

The executive members are elected every year and they are responsible for the functioning of the association.The alumni make a considerable impact on the betterment and excellence of the college. They collaborate with the great venture of the college in the formation of empowered women who in turn become socially conscious citizens. Efforts have been to bring all the alumni, from various departments own this half a century under one banner.

The participation and contribution of the alumni in the context of the academic excellence of the institution is noteworthy.     They are selected as members in the syllabus forming BOS in all the departments. They are invited as resource persons for guest lectures, endowments, workshops, seminars and meetings.         They share their personal experience in life and career with the present students which is the source of inspiration and motivation for the latter. They take the seats of the judges in the various competitions both academic and cultural conducted in the College. Many of our alumni well placed in the Software industries, reputed educational institutions, government service, private sectors and self-entrepreneurship lend their valuable and active contribution in the different academic and administrative bodies of the college. An open online             forum was created to communicate with all the alumni in a convenient and consistent manner. Efforts are taken by the alumni of a particular batches both U.G. and P.G. for a get together with their Staff members.

Campus Animation Team


  • To strengthen the spirituality of staff and students.
  • To help the students from character to consciousness.
  • To search for the ultimate meaning of life and the universe.

The Campus Animation Team strengthens the spirituality of staff and students. It helps the students to move from character to consciousness and to search for the ultimate meaning in life. The team organizes special prayer meetings, religious celebrations and gives regular retreats, seminars, renewal programmes, inspirational talks and para liturgical services to both the staff and students. Every year the Mother Foundress Day is celebrated in a meaningful way. Holy mass is organized at the beginning and end of the academic year besides Ash Wednesday for the catholic staff and students.

Value Education books for UG and PG students are also prepared by the Campus Animation Team.


Teaching / Non Teaching

  • Think, Live and Hope positively
  • Personality Development
  • Relating with outside world
  • Effective communication
  • Healthy balanced life
  • Stress Management
  • Seven Habits for Success
  • Problem faced by youth
  • How to face challenges in life
  • Training in counselling


  • Face the challenges of life with self confidence
  • Personality Development
  • Leadership Training
  • Renewal of spiritual life
  • How to face challenges in life
  • Religious Tolerance
  • Love, sex, addiction
  • Leadership training and effective communication
  • Self awareness and God’s love
  • Guidance and counseling
  • Way to happiness
  • Societal analysis
Motto: ‘Like the Ocean is your God-self’



  • To empower youth after fixing their identity as cosmic.
  • To impart the basic principles of human consciousness and existence and propel them to seek the truth.
  • To train them in the natural laws of the universe so that they move beyond fragmentation, sorrow and suffering.
  • To make them life-sensitive so that discipline just flows in the most natural way.
  • To move from competition to co-operation from ambition to vision, from compulsive behavior to conscious choice, and from punishment to correction.


  • Orientation to freshmen students on the history/rules/ regulations/ and expectations of the college.
  • Awareness programmes / motivation talks on topics that address the objectives.
  • Visiting the homes of students who come from challenging background, assess the situation and do the needful.
  • Maintaining regularity, punctuality, decorum and propriety in the campus.
  • Regulating traffic, monitoring discipline in a ‘warm but firm way’.
Divyangjan Students’ Cell

Keeping in stride with its legacy, the Holy Cross College has always striven to equip the individuals within its folds to excel in life and society not withstanding the differences. From its early years it has warmly invited students who are differently abled into its midst with no discrimination. However, in 2018 – 19 the Divyangjan Cell has been inaugurated for the purpose of streamlining what the college has always done. The motto of the cell is ‘Winged and Wheeled to WIN’ which sums up the perspective of the institution towards its special needs’ community.


            The objective of the cell is two fold – to thoughtfully provide support to the individuals on campus; and to equip them for life in all its dimensions.


            Organizing programmes in collaboration with Women’s Cell, Rotaract Club, Entrepreneur Development Committee, Heath Care team and Career Guidance Cell.


Dr. Subha Ganapathy

Fine arts


  • To bring out the hidden talents of students and to foster leadership qualities.
  • To respond to the challenges in life with a healthy competitive spirit.
  • To experience team spirit and co-ordinating capacities.


            The Fine Arts Committee of our College, comprises of staff representatives  from all the departments. The committee is active throughout the year offering cultural events on various occasions like Inauguration ceremony, Holy Cross Feast, Christmas celebration, Pongal celebration and College day. The Fine Arts inter-departmental off-stage and on-stage competitions are conducted every year. Prizes and certificates are distributed for the winners and rolling trophies are given to the departments who won the first and second places. With sportive spirit, the students participate in all events. 

Health care Team

      Health care is the maintenance or improvement of health via the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, illness injury and other physical and mental impairments in human beings.


  • To provide health care awareness.
  • To provide essential health services.
  • To make the students participate in various health programs.
  • To emphasize the fact that health begins from oneself.


  • Medical checkup for all I UG students.
  • Awareness programme on first aid services and personal hygiene.
  • Programmes in collaboration with Divyanjan students cell and Women’s cell.



Accommodation in the hostel is given on request from the students. Hostel admission is carried out on the day of admission in the college. Hostel admission is valid for only one academic year and its renewal is subjected to the willingness of the students to stay. At present accommodation is given to 250 students approximately including sports students. In accepting residential students preference is given to those from the outskirts of Kanyakumari district.


  • DVD player for recreation
  • TV for News and entertainment
  • Beautiful campus for relaxation
  • Play Ground
  • 24 hours water and electricity supply
  • Napkin vend
  • Card phone system


  • Freshers’ day
  • Christmas celebrations
  • Hostel day
  • Farewell day

Psycho - spiritual orientation

Care is taken to provide wholistic formation to the hostellers. Motivational and personality development talks are arranged once a month providing them with life skills and the ability to handle oneself. Hostellers conduct entertainment programs regularly. They bring out their talents and creativity through a variety of cultural events. Thus they cultivate and nurture leadership qualities and self confidence to plunge into the modern society. Catholic students are given special care in their spiritual formation, through Holy mass, confession and recitation of Rosary. 


ICT Cell


To support and maximize efficiency in academics and research through ICT.


  • To enhance the quality of teaching- learning
  • To facilitate teachers to create and share contextualized teaching learning resources
  • To provide a platform for good practices in technology
  • To store, preserve and provide access to variety of digital resources
  • To enable the participation of the community in development and sharing of digital resources
Intercollegiate Competitions


  • To enhance the talents and self-confidence of the student by encouraging them to take part in various competitions.
  • To impart competitive spirit among students.
  • To inculcate positive attitude among students.

Inter collegiate competitions aims to elicit the latent talents of our students, to facilitate participation in inter collegiate competitions and to make students realize the value of healthy co-operation even in competitions. Our students have brought laurels to our institution by winning in various competition conducted by various organizations.

Intercollegiate Competitions

Imbued with a healthy competitive spirit and encouraged to exercise their innate talents, our students have emerged as proud winners in various competitions like

Flower arrangement

Fancy dress

Glass painting

Solo song


Vegetable carving

Group song

Pencil drawing

Verse writing


Essay writing


Group dance

Fashion show


Dumb charade

Turn coat


Media Committee

Media Committee takes up the responsibility to contact the media personnel and make arrangements for the coverage of the academic and extra-curricular activities. It connects the institution with the society through media. Every year Annual Photo Album and an album with newspaper cuttings related to the institution are prepared by the members.


  • To take the events of the institution to the public through press, radio and television.
  • To improve the visibility of the institution.
Parent Teacher Association


    Parents and Teachers work together for the betterment of students.


  • To foster and promote good rapport among the teachers, students and parents of the college.
  • To encourage students who excel academically by awarding them and rewarding them.

The Parents Teachers Association consists of the principal as the patron, two parents as elected members - (one as President and the other as Vice President), a treasurer and the executive members comprising staff and parents. PTA meets frequently to carry out the activities chalked out by the association. The PTA has been focusing on the growth and development of the college since its inception. The general body meets occasionally for a free interaction of parents and teachers on matters related to the performance of their wards.

Quiz Club



  • To improve the general knowledge and general awareness of the students.
  • To groom the ambitious students to perform well in the intercollegiate quiz competitions and win prizes
  • To make them proficient enough to pass competitive exams.
  • To ensure placement opportunities for the students.


The Context


The Quiz Club of our college was established in the year 1985 to encourage and motivate young brains to have a quest for knowledge. The seed for organizing CROSSINGS the first ever inter-collegiate quiz competition of our college was sown in 1985 which being the International Year of Youth. Initially the club was conducting CROSSINGS with our own college teachers and later, from 1993 onwards, it was conducted for college students in collaboration with SIOL QUIZ CLUB, Pondicherry. From the year 2015-16 onwards the club started conducting inter-school Quiz too. An ever-rolling trophy is awarded to the winners along with the cash prizes to motivate the students. In order to nurture the general knowledge skills among our own students, the best competitor award is given every year for the students who wins in the maximum number of quiz competitions conducted in other colleges.

Action Plan

The inter-collegiate event CROSSINGS has become an important co-curricular activity of the Quiz Club. Overwhelming response from our students and also from the students of other colleges shows the success of the program. Further, we used to send our students to participate in the regional, state and national level quiz programs conducted by other academic bodies in the southern districts of Tamil Nadu.

SC- ST cell

Purpose of SC/ST Cell

The Cell is launched with a vision of empowering the SC/ST students to face the challenges and lead a dignified life. The primary objective of the cell is to enable the learners to be employable and be confident by enhancing their skills and capabilities.


The star represents the cell with the guidance of which the students are steered to become empowered women and to use the opportunities to the optimum. The three women symbolize the students who will become empowered and empower their fellow beings after receiving the guidance from the faculty members and the Government officials.  


  • To promote the special interests of students in the reserved category.
  • To provide special inputs in the areas the students experience difficulty.
  • To attend to the personal social and academic needs of the students.
  • To enable them to utilize the benefit of the various schemes offered by the government.
  • To organize programmes to enhance their personality and excel in their academic life.
Student Welfare Scheme


  • To reach down to the needy students and elevate them to the height.
  • To lend helping hands to the financially challenged and academically bright students.



         Though our college is situated in semi-urban area, most of the students are from rural background. More than seventy percentage of them are first generation graduates, whose parents are unable to meet their educational expenses. After seeing the plight of the students, the management and the faculty started “Student Welfare Fund” during the year 1984-85. Every month the faculty contributes certain amount and the same is used to pay the tuition fees and examination fees for six under graduate students and one post graduate student. The economically poor students good at studies receive this fund. Every year seventy students including sports students benefit from this programme.