
   2025 - 2026 - PROGRAMMES OFFERED - HOLY CROSS COLLEGE(AUTONOMOUS), NAGERCOIL....ONLY COLLEGE WITH A++ GRADE IN KANYAKUMARI DISTRICT......    Last date for Registration -14.02.2025 - IIC and HCIIC organized Holy Cross Innovation Contest..............    27-02-2025 - International Conference on The Bio-Economy Revolution: Harnessing Life Sciences for a Sustainable Future organises by Dept of Zoology......    27-02-2025 - A Talk on Basics of Accounting - organises by Dept. of English Aided.............    28-02-2025 - National Conference on Strategic Foresight and Innovative Skills for Smart Material Research: Science for a Sustainable Future - organises by Dept. of Physics..........    25-02-2025 - Endowment Lecture on Applications of Nanomaterials organised by the Department of Chemistry, Mathematical Art and Symmetry - Drawing Contest organised by the Mathematics Club.......    27.02.2024 - Endowment Lecture on Overseas Internship and Education organised by the Department of English, Dr. Jespin Ida Endowment Lecture – Spices and Plantation crops organised by the Department of Botany, Session on IP Strategy for Entrepreneurs and Startups by IPR Cell of IIC.......    28.2.2025 - Seminar on Rethinking your Future organised by the Department of Corporate Secretaryship, ECON PETALS- Inter- class Cultural Competition organised by the Department of Economics, Seminar on Strategic foresight and research skills for smart materials innovation organised by the Department of Physics, Guidance for Competitive Examinations organised by the Department of Mathematics Club, Land to Lab organised by the Department of Computer Science, National conference on Bioentrepreneurship in Life Sciences organised by the Department of Zoology........

Crossian Centers

Research Committee

The Crossian Centre for Research enhances and promotes quality research in the institution. The Crossian Research Forum which includes all the faculty members co-ordinates all the research activities of this forum.

The committee is constituted with one member from each department. The committee releases the interdisciplinary biannual journal “Crossian Resonance” twice a year. It organizes seminars/workshops relevant to the current trends in research and encourages the members of the faculty to involve actively in research activities. Research data base containing details of research Projects, publications, participation in seminars, awards,major and minor projects availed by the departments are collected from each department and submitted to the IQAC of the college every year.


The cell is responsible for the implementation of the policy on research and consultancy.It plans and takes necessary steps to get copy right for innovative original work and patent right for their finding. It gives the guidelines to publish research articles in journals with high impact factor that are well recognized by global researchers. It works out MoUs, linkages and collaboration with other prominent research institutes/industries within the country and also outside. It administers the activities of the Instrumentation Centre and works out the possibilities of having consultancy through the centre.

Seminar on IPR and innovative practice

Womes's Cell

Motto:Empowered to Empower

Vision:Promote Holistic Development and Empowerment of Women

Vision:Promote Holistic Development and Empowerment of Women


  • To educate and create awareness among women on the importance of women’s  
  • To enhance the self-esteem and self-confidence of women.
  • To cultivate leadership skills in women and guide them in different fields.
  • To sensitize students on serious gender issues and create awareness on exploitation of women

Best Practices

  1. Celebrating International Women’s Day and training them to take part in the inter-collegiate competitions related to women empowerment.
  2. Encouraging students to participate in the Medical Camps.
  3. Helping the under privilegedin the old age home and orphanages.
  4. Conducting rallies to create awareness among women against sexual abuse and violence.
  5. Organizing seminars and awareness talks related to women’s issues.
  6. Motivating the students to participate in intercollegiate competitions to inculcate leadership qualities.
  7. Giving hands on training to promote entrepreneurial skills

Women's Studies


The Centre for Women Studies was instituted to act as a catalyst for promoting and strengthening women studies through Teaching , Training, Extension, Library, Publication, Seminars , Workshops, Networking and Coordinating with other agencies. Women’s Cell in Holy Cross College was formed in1983 to give awareness to the students on gender equity. Women Studies is an interdisciplinary study of women and society.

             Women’s issues are taken into consideration by the Centre for Women Studies through Women’s Cell. The aim of the Women’s cell is to create awareness and to stand for women’s empowerment, social justice and self-dignity. International Women’s day is celebrated every year and various competitions are held in connection with that. From 2018-2019, the cell with its newer version of ‘Crossian Centre for Women Studies’ has taken a new dimension in the functioning of  women’s cell and women studiesactivities. It motivates the students to change the attitude of the society, their role in decision making and imparting knowledge on women’s legal rights.


  1. To raise public awareness about gender discrimination and the unequal status of women and men, by arranging workshops, seminars, conferences and extension activities.
  2. To empower women in their struggle against inequality and for effective participation in all areas of society and development.
  3. To sensitize people to acknowledge and appreciate women’s roles in society.
  4. To contribute to the pursuit of women’s rights.
  5. To generate awareness about the significance of women in society.

Activities of Women Studies Centre

a)Teaching and Training

From 2005-2006 onwards, a certificate course on women studies had been opted by the students of women’s cell. In 2010-2011, when the curriculum was revamped, the course on women’s studies became one of the Foundation Courses and was made mandatory for all the UG students as a certificate course with an extra credit. The external component for the course on women studies was mime/ role play based on women’s issues. Realizing the impact of Women’s studies in 2016-2017,  the curriculum was restructured and the course on ‘Women’s Studies’ was made a mandatory course under part IV (Foundation Course). In 2017-2018, this course was incorporated within the curriculum for all UG students.

The Department of Tamil has opted a course on Feminism for III UG students.

Moreover, 30 hours of UGC Sponsored training programme was  extended to  students which included Mock  trail, Moot court, Court trail and Court Procedure in 2016.


b) Extension

As part of the extension programme, several homes for the aged and orphanages are being frequently visited by the students of the cell.

c) Library& Publication

The Women study Centre has separate book collections. The College Library has a good number of books and journals on women studies.

          Our staff members have published17 Research articles related to women issues.

d) Seminars & Workshops                                                                                                                  

Seminars and Workshops are conducted to promote awareness on women related issues.

e) Networking & Co-ordinating with other Agencies
  1. District Employment office, Nagercoil
  2. Social Welfare office, Nagercoil
  3. Puthiyathalamurai TV channel
  4. NGO- Sneagham organization
  5. District Court, Nagercoil


  • To develop the skills and the aesthetic sense of the students in general and also to provide livelihood to students from the socially backward stratum.
  • To provide an opportunity to take up employment oriented / skill based courses enabling the students to be financially independent in future.


     Skill Development Program has been given to the UG students since the 1990s in order to create in them self-confidence and motivate them towards self-employment and to develop the skills on voluntary basis. When the autonomous status was conferred to the college in 2007-08, each course given under skill development programme earned one extra credit for the students. In 2010-11 when the curriculum was restructured, the skill based courses have been made mandatory for all I UG students with one extra credit under the title “Holy Cross Academy”. From 2016-17 onwards the skill based courses were included in the curriculum under Part V for all students.

       The courses given under the “Holy Cross Academy” varies depending upon the needs of the students. Students can choose any one of the courses based on their choice and interest. The courses offered during 2018-19 are

  1. Basic Beauty and Hair Dressing
  2. Bright face and beauty Hair Style
  3. Tailoring
  4. Catering
  5. Doll Making
  6. Hindi
  7. Tally
  8. Jewel Making
  9. Music
  10. Artificial Bouquet Making
  11. Painting
  12. Web designing
  13. Hand Embroidery
  14. Aari work

These courses are offered only on holidays / Saturdays from 9.30 a.m - 2.30 p.m for 10 days by experts from outside.



The main objective of Entry Level Services is to motivate and guide the students to write competitive examinations.

Every year nearly 50 students are selected and they are motivated and guided by experts in this field. Moreover, special programmes are also arranged.

Soft Skill Training Programme

The following topics are covered in soft skill training programme

  • Discovering Self
  • Goal Setting
  • Leadership Qualities
  • Career Action Plan
  • Public Speaking Skill
  • Time Management
  • Decision Making Skill
  • Stress Management

Orientation on Competitive Examinations

            The orientation on eligibility criteria, syllabi and the examination pattern for different competitive examinations are provided to the students.


“Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world” – Hilary Clinton.

The Entrepreneurship Development Cell of our institution aims to develop an entrepreneurial temperament and impart career skills to the students’ educational setting. This is to ensure that the students are well equipped while they take up entrepreneurial ventures and careers which will result in economic independence and stability.


During the initial years, Entrepreneurship Cell, being merged with Career Guidance Cell functioned as a single unit under the name “’Career Guidance and Entrepreneurship Cell’. The activities of this cell included campus drives; coaching classes; motivational talks etc. To enhance thrust on entrepreneurial activities, the above cell was bifurcated and the Entrepreneurship Development Cell began to function as an individual unit from the academic year 2016-17.


  • To conduct survey for identifying the entrepreneurial aptitude/skills of our students.
  • To organize skill based courses to facilitate earn while you learn scheme.
  • To train students to extract wealth from waste and market them.
  • To train the students in entrepreneurial skills through workshops and camps.
  • To organize sales exhibition within the campus in order to improve marketing skills of students.
  • To introduce the students to fund availability in the forms of subsidies and loans.
  • To facilitate interaction with experts, professionals and businessmen to enrich the students knowledge on business opportunities and management skills.
  • To effect product promotion through collaboration with NGOs and business personalities of our locality.

Proposed Entrepreneurial Ventures

  • Organic farming (organic garden and organic manure)
  • Tailoring in collaboration with textiles
  • YouTube channel
  • Jewel making
  • Doll making
  • Artificial flower making
  • Pickle making


  • To prepare students through motivational talks to face the challenges in career life.
  • To organize Orientation programs on various career opportunities.
  • To organize two wheeler and four wheeler driving programs and dual degree programs as a part of empowering the students.
  • To provide service through campus interviews and job placements.
  • To empower women with leadership skills.




Environmental awareness is an integral part of education. The Centre for Environmental Studies is an active body of Holy Cross College aimed at evoking the necessity and responsibility of students to grow up as responsible  human beings who know to respect, protect, and preserve  nature and all its diverse flora and fauna from anthropogenic  afflictions, and present it to the future generations just as God has given it to us.

The centre achieves  its goal of spreading environmental concern among the students by promoting research on biodiversity of the district and by its numerous resources for promoting environmental awareness like informational and inspirational seminars,environmental books and brochures which are just a few of the tools that can get the students involved in promoting the environmental concern.

The environmental initiatives and ventures are taken forth by Centre for Environmental Studies through ECO CLUB which devotes its activities towards keeping the campus plastic-free and maintains the hygiene and cleanliness of the college. The Centre for Environmental Studies also has a GREEN AUDIT TEAM for conducting environmental audits and the team implements conservation strategies and suggests methods for energy conservation, Carbon Foot Print Reduction and various other environmental issues.


  1. To foster a sense of connection to the natural world and its flora and fauna through various academic and extension programs.
  2. To encourage the conservation of irreplaceable natural resources and vulnerable plant and animal species through field visits, training programs and seminars.
  3. To function as a nodal centre for environmental research, biodiversity surveys and auditing to enhance knowledge and to imbibe environmental awareness on the consequences of human activities on various land and water resources and identify remedial solutions.
  4. To invoke an aversion to human activities detrimental to the environment and initiate campaigns to educate the public about  these issues.


Eco-Initiatives and Projects

National and international agencies are fighting towards protecting our environment and conserving its resources. But it is also the responsibility of every citizen to use our environmental resources with care and protect them from degradation. In order to inculcate this practice among the students, the Centre for Environmental Studies of Holy Cross College, engage them in practicing environmental based research and surveys and also give awareness to the public and women in the neighbouring villages through various projects. The centre also work in alliance with the Kanyakumari District Administration through Friends for Nature Society, in which the members of Holy Cross College hold executive positions, thereby helping to serve the general public.

  • Carbon Foot Print Reduction Campaign
  • Swachh Bharath Mission
  • Shuttle Free Day
  • Sparrow Conservation Project
  • District Level awareness on Plastic Poisoning and Pollution
  • Quit Plastics Campaigns
  • Celebration of National and International Environmental Days
  • Awareness on Environmental Pollution and Carcinogenesis
  • Wetland Water Bird Count and Conservation of Birds in the District
  • Palmyra tree Conservation and Planting
  • Rebuilding Kanyakumari
  • Energy and Water Conservation
  • Tree plantation Project.


We live in the environment and use the environmental resources like air, land and water to meet our needs. While meeting the ever-growing needs, we apply pressure on the environment, which exceeds its capacity to repair or replace itself.  We use environmental resources such as ground water beyond its limit of replacement, thereby losing it forever, pollute the environment with one-time plastics, vehicle emissions, use unleaded fuel, electrical appliances consuming more electricity, etc. Therefore, there is a need to create ‘awareness’ about Environmental protection and conservation. We achieve this by our self-designed curriculum on Environmental Studies Course which comprises of three modules.


The curriculum for our Environmental Studies Program is based on the UGC syllabus. The text book has been authored by the Co-ordinators of the Centre of Environmental Studies, for the benefit of our students. Completion of this study program is an essential criteria for  completion of the undergraduate degree program.


As part of the Environmental Studies program, it is mandatory for every student to carry out research, based on the biodiversity of the region, economic value of biodiversity, conservation and protection of flora and fauna of the region.

Also, the students of the team conduct surveys on:

The Fauna of the Campus

The Floral diversity of the Campus

Butterfly biodiversity of the Campus


A Course module on the general topics of public concern is being given as continuous seminar sessions during the even semester,where we host invited lectures by international and national experts and environmentalists who deal with each lecture session individually, at the end of which, the participating students are issued certificates.

Lecture 1 - Plastic Poisoning and the need to avoid plastics in daily life

Lecture 2- Environmental Carcinogenesis

Lecture 3 – Environmental Radiation and its Health effects

Lecture 4 – Pesticide Pollution and the need for Organic terrace gardens

Lecture 5 – Water Conservation Strategies

Lecture 6 – Air and Water Pollution and its effects on Living beings

Lecture 7- Population Explosion and ways to curb the issue

Lecture 8- Energy Conservation- Needs and ways

Lecture 9 –Agricultural and Food –based Entrepreneurship among women.

Lecture 10 – On the road to well-being.


The Green Audit Team of Holy Cross College focuses on Environmental Survey, Biodiversity Auditing, Motivating Environment-based Research among students &Biodiversity Documentation. Every year the team checks on available natural resources in the campus and suggests remedial measures to implement water harvesting, conservation strategies, energy conservation and newer methods to minimise consumption of energy. The team motivates students to use cycles to lessen the carbondioxide emission and bring forth a pollution free campus. (Biodiversity survey of the campus, Butterfly diversity, Flora of the campus, etc)

Save Nature for Future



  • To promote interest, knowledge and concern about the environment and its economic, cultural, scientific and aesthetic values.
  • To provide environmental education to the rural/urban people
  • To establish partnership and to exchange technological know-how with like-minded organizations involved in conservation and development of forest, environment and biological diversity.


Keeping the college campus plastic free.

  • “Plastic–Free World” awareness campaign.
  • Tree planting.
  • Awareness programs related to environmental issues and health.
  • Solid waste management - Vermicomposting.
  • Promoting organic farming.
  • Wild Life week” Celebration.

Future plans – (2018 – 2019)

Theme of the year – “Quit Plastics”

  • Plastic free campus.
  • Health related awareness programs.
  • Vana Mahotsav – planting tree saplings in the college campus and nearby Government schools.
  • Awareness program on “World sparrow day “.
  • “Quit Plastics” awareness rally.
  • “Plastic free world” awareness campaign in nearby Government schools.
  • Planting of Palmyra seeds.
Crossian centre for Documentation


Crossian Centre for Documentation collects and records data regarding the daily activities of the various departments, clubs and committees including the PTA and the Alumni. The various activities are uploaded by the faculty members through the email  hccdoc18@gmail.com. During the general body meeting the consolidated activity reports of departments, clubs and committees are presented by the documentation committee members to enable the faculty/ departments to verify the data.


Crossian Centre for Innovation and Incubation


The centre was established in the institution in 2017-’18. The objective of the Centre is to groom students towards start ups, entrepreneurship and research. It offers a new echo system for the young entrepreneur.

Crossian Centre for Human Resource Development


Crossian Centre for Human Resource Development is active in identifying and enhancing the human potential of the college. Its objective is to organize orientation programmes for the newly recruited faculty members and to conduct workshops on leadership, research, consultancy and new technologies for the staff. Personality  and professional development programs are also conducted periodically for the non-teaching staff.


It also conducts motivational sessions, executive, entrepreneurial, leadership and skill development programmes for the students.




The vision is to build the youth with the mind and spirit to serve the society and work for the social uplift of our nation


The National Service Scheme has been functioning with motto “NOT ME BUT YOU” to identify the needs and problems of the community and involve themselves in problem solving process.


  • To understand the community in which they work
  • To understand themselves in relation to their community
  • To identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving
  • To gain skills in mobilizing community participation
  • To acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes
  • To develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters
  • To practice national integration and social harmony



Education through Community Service and Community Service through Education


                                Units No :76, 77

There are two units and totally 200 NSS Volunteers actively participate in the NSS


  • Environment Protection
  • Health Awareness Programme
  • Plastic Awareness Programme
  • Human Rights
  • Pollution control Measures
  • Disaster Management
  • National Integration
  • Sanitation Awareness
  • AIDS Awareness
  • Tree Plantation
  • Safety Measures
  • First Aid Training
  • Voters Awareness
  • Pollution Control Measures
  • Women Empowerment and Welfare
  • Personality Development
  • Leadership Development Programme
  • Blood Donation
  • Social Harmony
  • Swatch Bharat Programme


Aims at uniting the people in the common fight against the disease.
Role of the Red Ribbon Club
  • Educate youth with correct, concise and adequate information and heighten their level of awareness about HIV/AIDS/STI/sexuality and other related issues (thus eliminate myths and misconceptions).
  • Increase youths’ access to health care services related to STI / HIV/AIDS/drug use.
  • Organize and facilitate voluntary blood donation camps and mobilize the youth for voluntary blood donation.
  • Create among the youth a cadre of peer educators for seeking and encouraging positive health behavior as well as ensuring sustainability of the club.



Youth Red Cross

Aim: “ Service to Humanity”

Youth Red Cross aims to inspire, encourage and initiate at all times all forms of humanitarian activities, so that human suffering can be minimized, alleviated and even prevented thus contributing to creating a more congenial climate for peace.


  • To understand and to accept the civic responsibilities with humanitarian concern.
  • To foster better friendly relationship with all, without any discrimination.
  • To create an awareness on health and hygiene.


  • Annual blood donation and Blood group identification camp with the support of the District Government Hospital.
  • First Aid camps in collaboration with St. John’s Ambulance Service.
  • Awareness programmes on Health, Women’s issues and Disaster management.
  • Participating in competitions within and outside the institution to exhibit their skills and talents.
  • Extending help to the needy.
  • Participating in rallies related to social awareness programmes.
  • Orientation programmes on road safety measures, eye donation, diabetes etc.




The Consumer Club of Holy Cross College was established on 17th march 2004 as per the instructions from the department of consumer affairs. The purpose of the club is  to spread the awareness about the consumer rights and responsibilities and to join hands with other voluntary consumer organizations to enhance consumer movement. Investing in children and teenage students the knowledge to handle life situations will no doubt generate the highest return in the form of enlightened and honest citizens.

Motto: Aware, Alert, Act.


  1. To strengthen the knowledge and awareness on consumerism among youth.
  2. To learn about laws enacted for protection.
  3. To assist the youth in making prompt decision regarding product standards, product quality, price and markets.
  4. To enable the youth to implement consumer protection laws in real life.
  5. To protect the youth citizen-consumers from exploitation by business concerns.
  6. To inculcate the rights, duties and responsibilities of consumers among youth.
  7. To give proper exposure about the bad effects of advertisement.
  8. To make the youth as an enlightened citizen and consumer.


  • In connection with the Food safety Day celebration various competitions like elocution, drawing and essay writing were conducted by the Food Safety Department
  • In connection with National Standards Day celebration, FEDCOT conducted seminar on “Consumer Awareness on Standards “.
  • Kanyakumari Jilla Consumer Protection Centre and Vivek Indane Gas Distributors jointly organized a Training Camp on “Limited and safe usage of Cooking gas ”


Legal Literacy club

Human Rights Unit/ Legal literacy Committee

Legal Literacy Committee was formed in July 2004 to establish and nurture warm human relationship. Ramifications of exploitations are explained to students. Advocates address the student community to promote legal literacy. Awareness programmes on legal aspects, human rights and social issues are given, to sensitise our youth.


  • To give legal awareness to the students
  • To make the students aware about the legal aspects, rights and social issues
  • To make the students to recognize their legal rights and responsibilities


The activities of the club include the collaboration with Women’s Cell and Consumer club of the college. Some of the activities are,

  • Participating in seminars on legal awareness.
  • Conducting meetings about legal literacy like Child rights, Women’s rights

Highlights of the Activities

  • Court Visit – Every Year
  • Competition ( Multiple choice question exam) conducted by Legal awareness for women by National Commission for women – New Delhi – 2017-18
  • MOOT court




  • To cultivate deep and genuine concern for oppressed and marginalized.
  • To recognize and respect plurality of cultures, religions and ideologies.
  • To help students to evolve a spirituality and humanization through involvement and reflection.


  • Our students attended three days National Social Exposure Camp on ‘Indigeneous people of Jamuna Marathur’ held at St. Joseph’s High School, Athipet, Jawadhu Hills.
  • Motivational Talk on “Unnai Arinthal’, “Vasipom, Necipom, Vazhikattuvom”
  • Attended seminar on “Seeramippu Chattangalum Chithaum Valvum” held at St. Joseph’s College, Trichy.
  • Talk on “Vivasaigalin Pirachanium Valkai Chulalum”, “Western Ghats” and “Moochu payirchi”
  • Talks on“Manavarglum Porattangalum”,“IlakkuNirnayithal”
  • Motivational Talk on, “Thoughts of Thoughts”
  • Awareness Talk on, “Role of Women in Family and Society”
  • Motivational Talk on, “Ockhi Cyclone: Issues and Remedies”
  • Organised medical camp in association with NIMS Medical Team, Neyaatinkara
  • Seminar on,“Intaya Arasiyal Choolalum Ilayorin Pangalippum”




Rotaract club is a service, leadership and community service organization for young men and women between the ages 18–30. The Rotaract focuses on the development of young adults as leaders in their communities and workplaces. Our college aims at the total development of students through enlightenment programmes and various social activities.

    The Rotaract Club was started in our college in the year 1980.  The purpose of our Rotaract club is to provide an opportunity for young women to enhance the knowledge and leadership skills that will assist them in personal development, to address the physical and social needs of their communities, and to promote better relations between all people worldwide through a framework of friendship and service. Clubs generally charge a small annual membership fee to cover the expenses. Rotaractors have a passion for selfless service.


  • To develop personal and leadership skills
  • To mould attitudes and values of young minds
  • To improve public relations


  • Free Medical Camp
  • Kerala flood donation
  • Christmas visit
  • Road Safety Awareness Programme
  • Awareness programme on Plastics
  • Awareness talk on personality development
  • Sexual Assault awareness programme
  • Motivational Talk



CHILDLINE 1098 is a national 24 hour free emergency telephone helpline & outreach service for children in need of care & protection. CHILDLINE telephone number 1098 is a toll free helpline all over India. Initially started in Mumbai in June 1996, the facility has been extended to all cities and towns in India. It is supported by Ministry for Women & Child Development, Government of India.


D. Cathline Mary - (City Coordinator)

CHILDLINE India Foundation (CIF)


CHILDLINE India Foundation (CIF), Mumbai is the nodal agency of the Union Ministry of Women and Child Development acting as the parent organization for setting up, managing and monitoring the CHILDLINE 1098 service all over the country and linking state Governments, NGOs, bilateral /multilateral agencies and corporate sector. CIF also functions as a national centre for awareness, advocacy and training on issues related to child protection.


A Child-Friendly Nation that guarantees the rights and protection of all children.

CHILDLINE will reach out to every child in need and ensure their rights and protection through the Four Cs.

  • CONNECT through technology to reach the 'last mile'.
  • CATALYSE systems through active advocacy.
  • COLLABORATE through integrated efforts between children, the state, civil society, corporate and community to build a child friendly social order.
  • COMMUNICATE to make child protection everybody's priority.


  • To reach out to every child in need of care and protection by responding to emergencies on 1098.
  • To create awareness about CHILDLINE 1098 amongst every Indian child.
  • To provide a platform of networking amongst organizations.
  • To provide linkages to support systems that facilitates the rehabilitation of children in need of care and protection.
  • To work together with the Allied Systems (Police, Health Care, Juvenile Justice, Transport, Legal, Education,
    Communication, Media, Political and the Community) to create child friendly systems.
  • To advocate services for children that is inaccessible or nonexistent.
  • To create a body of NGOs and Government organisations working within the national framework and policy for children.
  • To be a nodal child protection agency in the country, providing child protection services to children in need of care and
  • To contribute and work towards strengthening and participating in a global movement that addresses issues related to child
    protection and ensures that children's voices are heard.


CHILDLINE in Kanniyakumari District


CHILDLINE India Foundation (CIF) initiated CHILD LINE 1098 project in Feb.2005 at Kanniyakumari District, in collaboration with Kottar Social Service Society (KSSS). Kottar Social Service Society (Collaborative Organization) Provides rescue facilities, Shelter, medical aid, repatriation, sponsorships, emotional support and guidance. Holy Cross College is a Nodal Organization; it was started on 18th January 2011. Holy Cross College is responsible for creating a child friendly atmosphere for children at the city level.

Administrative Structure of Nodal Organization (Holy Cross College (Autonomous))

  • The nodal organization has one City Coordinator, who is supervised by a Nodal Director (honorary post), who is head of the organization/department that has taken up the responsibility.
  • Principal of  Holy Cross College (Nodal Director)
  • D. Cathline Mary - (City Coordinator)

Activities of Holy Cross College,Nodal Organization for CHILDLINE Project

  1. Conducting the preliminary Need Assessment Study before the launch of the CHILDLINEservice;
  2. Compiling and updating the Directory of Services for children in the city;
  3. Orientation and sensitization of various Government Departments on child protection in coordination with the District Child Protection Unit.
  4. Organize a Directors Meeting at least once in every two months.
  5. Organize monthly meetings with the coordinator of CHILDLINE Collaborative organization (Kottar Social Service Society);
  6. Organize monthly meetings of all field staff of CHILDLINE. (This monthly meeting includes skill based input/training sessions for capacity building).
  7. Visit the CHILDLINE Collaborative Organization on a weekly basis.
  8. Organize quarterly meeting with the resource organizations to share about CHILDLINE.
  9. Organize quarterly CHILDLINE Advisory Board Meeting.
  10. Recruiting students to CHILDLINE services as volunteers for creating awareness campaigns and assist with program management;
  11. Monthly reporting to the ‘CHILDLINE India Foundation (CIF)’ about the functioning of CHILDLINE in the city;
  12. Network with Allied Systems such as District Child Protection Unit, Police Department, Child Welfare Committee, District Social Welfare Board, District Education Department, District Health Department, District Labour Department, etc.
  13. Attending meetings organized by the CIF and Allied Systems.
  14. Research on issues related to child protection;
  15. Academic Institutes playing the role of nodal organizations contribute their research skills, ability to network, training skills, students as resources and their infrastructure for CHILDLINE Services.



Reaching the Unreached Neighbourhood (RUN)



                 Developing social consciousness is one of the core values of the institution. Since the inception of the college in 1965,  outreach  programmes such as adult education, building huts for the homeless people, helping the poor and needy through coir making centre were  organized in the institution. Thus the college strived to develop the social awareness and commitment of the staff and students for the benefit of the society. As the part of the extension activities implemented within the autonomous system, Reaching the Unreached Neighbourhood (RUN) was launched in 2008 as part of the UG curriculum. The students of II U.G. spend 50 – 60 hours of participatory learning outside the college campus.


  • To make the students community-oriented and society-centered.
  • To empower the villagers and in turn, develop the society.


  1. Orientation & Training Programme for students
  2. Tuition classes for the Government school children and orphan children.
  3. Awareness on government policies and funds for welfare schemes to the villagers
  4. Awareness on Health and Hygiene, consumer awareness, zero waste management, eye donation, water management and solid waste management to the villagers.
  5. Awareness campaign on dangers of drug addiction and the importance of plastic free environment.
  6. Awareness on Child rights to the neighbouring villages.
  7. Demonstration for the preparation of washing soap, phenyl, detergent powder, cleaning powder for utensils, wine and vermicomposting.
  8. The students were motivated to involve in social activities by conducting free medical and eye camp.
  9. Survey on the resources of Kanyakumari District