About IQAC

Holy Cross College is located in a sylvan setting far removed from the cacophony of city life. Since its inception in the year 1965 it has had resourceful learners and individual thinkers with creative and innovative mindsets. Quality being our mantra, our college is one of the first colleges to offer itself for accreditation by NAAC in 1999 and was accredited at the four star level. As per the directives of NAAC, the IQAC was established in June 2001 as a post accreditation quality sustenance measure, coordinated by Dr. Usha Oman. During the second cycle of accreditation in 2005, the college was conferred the 'B++' status, under the headship of Dr. Premalatha Lal. In 2013, the college went in for the third cycle of accreditation and was awarded ‘A’ grade status (CGPA 3.34) coordinated by Dr. S. Jesi Isabella and subsequently in 2019, the college was awarded ‘A+’ grade with CGPA 3.35 on four point scale in the fourth cycle under the leadership of Dr. G. Leema Rose. Since the revised accreditation framework launched by the NAAC, the AQAR and SSR format have also been modified in cognizance with the improved methodology. With the expected parameters, the institution is currently working on the fifth cycle to facilitate the upcoming accreditation, coordinated by Dr. H.Jimsy Asha. IQAC, being the integral part of the institution, takes operative measures to improve and sustain the quality in the existing system. It monitors the quality parameters in the institution and ensures that the standards of excellence reflected in the vision and mission of the institution are met and sustained.


To cultivate a quality-driven culture that promotes continuous improvement and institutional excellence through best practices and sustainable initiatives.


✔ To establish mechanisms for periodic assessment and improvement of processes through quality benchmarks.

✔ To create a learner-centric environment that fosters lifelong learning and quality education, empowering faculty to adopt the latest knowledge and technology for participatory teaching.

✔ To promote innovation and research through collaboration that enhances teaching and learning, contributing to national development.

✔ To engage stakeholders in quality initiatives while prioritizing feedback for the effective implementation of quality improvement standards.


Quality Assurance Framework: Develop and implement quality assurance framework and policies that align with institutional goals and national accreditation standards.

Benchmarking: Develop quality benchmarks and performance indicators to evaluate institutional effectiveness and facilitate continuous improvement.

Capacity Building: Organize training programmes, workshops, and seminars for faculty and staff to update their skills and enhance professional development.

Curriculum and Skill Development: Facilitate curriculum revisions that integrate modern technology and entrepreneurship, implementing skill development initiatives to equip students.

Collaboration and Networking: Foster collaboration with other institutions and organizations to share best practices, enhance quality assurance efforts, upskill students, and promote knowledge exchange.

Outreach Programmes: Implement outreach programmes that connect the institution with the community to promote mutual growth and awareness of quality initiatives.

Sustainability Initiatives: Promote sustainable initiatives within the institution to ensure environmentally and socially responsible practices in all operations.

Feedback : Establish a feedback mechanism to drive quality improvement and sustain initiatives, ensuring tangible results.

Performance Evaluation: Conduct regular evaluations of faculty performance and academic programmes to identify areas for improvement and recognize excellence.

Documentation: Document college programmes and activities that support quality improvement, maintaining comprehensive records of quality audits and enhancements.

Accreditation: Provide guidance and support for accreditation processes by preparing necessary documentation and facilitating the self-study report.

Composition of IQAC


Dr. Sr. Sahayselvi

Principal & Chairperson


Dr. H. Jimsy Asha

IQAC Director


Dr. S. Sujitha

IQAC Assistant Director

Administrative Officers


Dr. Sr. Mary Hilda



Dr. Sr. K. Francy

Vice Principal 1


Dr. P. Sathya

Vice Principal 2


Dr. J. Vinoliya Josephine Mary

Controller of Examinations


Dr. R. Gladis Latha

Dean of Academic Affairs


Dr. S. Mary Mettilda Bai

Dean of Research


Dr. Selva Mary Gokila. S George

Dean of Student Affairs


Dr. V. Sujin Flower

Placement Officer


Dr. Sheeba Daniel

IIC Convener


Sr. A. Shanthi

Junior Assistant


Dr. V. Jeya Kala



Ms. S. Arockia Sandra (III B.Com)

IQAC Student Representative


Ms. W.S. Jesintha Sukanth (III B.Sc Computer Science)

IIC Student Representative


Ms. S.L. Aarose Nicy (II B.A. English)

Clubs and Committee Student Representative

External Members


Dr. A. Lourdu Samy, St. Xavier’s College, Tirunelveli

External Expert


Dr. A. Rose Venis, St. Joseph’s College, Trichy

External Expert


Er.G.Arul Jerald Prakash



Dr. S. Mary Jelastin Kala, St. Xavier’s College, Tirunelveli


Core Committee Members


Dr. X. Venci Candida (Dept. of Zoology)



Dr. S. Ajith Sinthuja (Dept. of Chemistry)



Dr. M. Priya Dharshini (Dept. of Physics)



Dr. S. Vimal Dolli (Dept. of Economics)



Ms. A. Anishya Dani (Dept. of English)




Dr. M. Priya Dharshini

Department of Physics


Dr. S. Vimal Dolli

Department of Economics


Dr. S. Ajith Sinthuja

Department of Chemistry


Ms. M. Nithila

Department of Computer Science


Dr. P. T. Arokia Glory

Department of Zoology


Dr. V. Antony Prakash Babila

Department of Tamil


Ms. A. R. Jemi

Department of English


Dr. J. Albino Wins

Department of Botany


Dr. A. Anat Jaslin Jini

Department of Mathematics


Dr. G. Hesil Jerda

Department of Commerce


Dr. M. Charles Dayana

Department of Commerce (S.F. 1)


Ms. J. Anne Mary Leema

Dept. of Mathematics (S.F)


Dr. S. Ancy Mole

Department of Tamil (S.F)


Dr. J. Mary Deeba

Department of Social Work (S.F)


Ms. J. Maria Prabina Sackaria

Department of English (S.F)


Dr. G. Sahaya Shiny

Department of Commerce (S.F. 1)


Dr. S. Mary Judit

Department of History


Dr. S. Immaculate Shyla

Dept. of Computer Science (S.F)


Ms. T. Menaka

Dept. of Costume Design and Fashion


Ms.V. Abisha

ERP Admin

Coordinator's Desk

From the Coordinator’s Desk


Holy Cross College has established its Internal Quality Assurance Cell in 2001, as per the directives of the NAAC. The prime aim of IQAC is to create quality consciousness in our stakeholders through quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance initiatives. Quality being our mantra, IQAC acts as a catalyst for the Quality Consciousness in Academic and Administrative performance in the institution. The IQAC accomplishes periodical meetings, documents and analyses various activities of the college. A continuous follow up has been made to ensure quality sustenance and provides conducive environment for teaching, learning and research. IQAC of the institution organises periodical seminars, workshops and orientation programmes for faculty development and research promotion to optimise and assimilate modern methods in teaching, learning and evaluation. As a step towards excellence, it conducts Academic and Administrative Audit every year. Feedback mechanism, including all stake holders has been initiated to maintain accountability and transparency in the quality management system. The IQAC team functions as a cohesive unit in imparting quality education.

College Annual Reports



IQAC Minutes

Action Plan

Collaborative Initiatives

Seminars and Workshops Organized

Best Practices

Institutional Distinctiveness


Feedback Analysis

Student Satisfactory Survey

Academic and Administrative Audit

Holy Cross News

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