
   06-02-2025 - Smart Campuses : AI-Driven Technologies Innovations for a Sustainable Developement- organises by Dept. of Mathematics and IIC......    Last date for Registration -14.02.2025 - IIC and HCIIC organized Holy Cross Innovation Contest..............    27-02-2025 - A Talk on Basics of Accounting - organises by Dept. of English Aided.............    10.02.2025 - Guest Lecturer on Indian Classical Literature organised by the Department of English..............    07-02-2025 - Commemoration of Charles Dickens’ Birthday(Drawing, Letter to Dickens) organised by the Department of English (SF),Dr V Hermana Gilt Arachi Endowment lecture organised by the Department of Tamil,Library Day Celebrations..................    12-02-2025 - Crossnomics - Quiz Competition organised by the Department of Economics..............    13-02-2025 - Innovating the Future: The Role of Sensors in Shaping Tomorrow's Technologies organised by the Department of Physics, Campus Recruitment Drive organised by Placement and Career Guidance Cell, Sr. Rosalie’s Endowment Lecture (Green initiative) organised by the Department of Botany...........    14-02-2025 - Workshop on Self-grooming organised by the Department of Costume Design and Fashion, Talk on the Role of Technology in Reforestation organised by the Department of Computer Science, Holy Cross Innovation Contest 2025 organised by Innovation Cell, Regional Seminar on Entrepreneurship Opportunities organised by Deanery of Entrepreneurship..................    18.02.2025 - NEP Implementation Meeting by NEP implementation Cell, Research Colloquium for Scholars on Research Funding Agencies organised by Crossian Centre for Research & Development........    21.02.2025 - Workshop on Effective Review Paper Writing organised by Crossian Centre for Research & DevelopmenT.............    25-02-2025 - Endowment Lecture on Applications of Nanomaterials organised by the Department of Chemistry, Mathematical Art and Symmetry - Drawing Contest organised by the Mathematics Club.......    27.02.2024 - Endowment Lecture on Overseas Internship and Education organised by the Department of English, Dr. Jespin Ida Endowment Lecture – Spices and Plantation crops organised by the Department of Botany, Session on IP Strategy for Entrepreneurs and Startups by IPR Cell of IIC.......    28.2.2025 - Seminar on Rethinking your Future organised by the Department of Corporate Secretaryship, ECON PETALS- Inter- class Cultural Competition organised by the Department of Economics, Seminar on Strategic foresight and research skills for smart materials innovation organised by the Department of Physics, Guidance for Competitive Examinations organised by the Department of Mathematics Club, Land to Lab organised by the Department of Computer Science, National conference on Bioentrepreneurship in Life Sciences organised by the Department of Zoology........




The department of chemistry was established in the year 1965. B.Sc. degree programme was started in 1966 and M.Sc programme in 2012. It was upgraded as a research center in 2017 by the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University. At present four faculty are research guides among the ten.  The department aims at moulding the students to acquire scientific knowledge and practical skills leading to research. The well equipped laboratories in the department facilitate quality education to students at all levels.



Impart quality education, scientific skills, academic excellence, research attitude and skills to face global challenges.



ü  To produce competent graduates infused with professionalism, ethical values and social responsibility.

ü  To develop intellectual and professional skills of the students

ü  To provide a firm foundation in chemical concepts, laws and theories

ü  To sharpen the scientific knowledge

ü  To enhance critical thinking, problem solving ability, scientific temper and innovation

ü  To apply chemistry in medicine, biology, industry and environment



 After the completion of the Chemistry Course, our students will be able to

ü  To develop the personal, intellectual and professional skills of the students

ü  To sharpen the scientific knowledge.

ü  To provide a firm foundation in chemical concepts, laws and theories.

ü  To enhance critical thinking, problem solving ability, scientific temper and innovation.

ü  To apply chemistry in medicine, biology, industry and environment.


From the HOD's Desk

Greetings from the Department of Chemistry,


Welcome to the Department of Chemistry at the Holy Cross College (Autonomous), Nagercoil. Having evolved for more than half a century, our department offers a student centric curricula that lead the students into the corridors of hope and opportunities. The under graduate, post graduate and doctoral programmes on chemistry are designed to impart sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge on students in order to mould them to be self reliant and confident to fulfill their future aspirations. The department of chemistry handles chemistry as the tool to educate and empower women to create a society where equality and justice prevails.


Thanks and Regards,


Dr. M. Anitha Malbi, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,

Associate Professor and Head of the Department,

Department of Chemistry,

Holy Cross College(Autonomous),

Nagercoil – 4.

Mail id : chemistry@holycrossngl.edu.in





Working duration




Sr. Cecile

Associate Professor


20 Years


Mrs. L. Kamachi

Associate Professor


28 Years


Mrs. Grace Kurian

Associate Professor


36 Years


Mrs. G. Anadhavalliammal

Associate Professor


30 Years


Mrs. M. Meenakshi

Associate Professor


36 Years


Dr. P. Mary Saroja

Associate Professor


36 Years


Mrs. A. Alankara Vasanthi

Associate Professor


35 Years


Dr. G. Leema Rose

Associate Professor

1986 - 2022

36 Years

Faculty Profile

S.No Name Qualification Designation Google Site


Dr. M. Anitha Malbi

M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Head & Assistant Professor


Dr. R. Gladis Latha

M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


Dr. Sr. K. Francy

M.Sc.,M.Phil., SET., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


Dr. S. Ajith Sinthuja

M.Sc., M.Phil.,B.Ed,SET., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


Dr. L. Deva Vijila

M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D., SET.

Assistant Professor


Dr. Sheeba Daniel

M.Sc., M.Phil.,NET., Ph.D.,SET.

Assistant Professor


Dr. Y. Christabel Shaji

M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil.,Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


Dr. S. Lizy Roselet

M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed.,Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


Dr. M. Shirly Treasa

M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


Dr. M. Antilin Princela

M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


Dr. B.T. Delma

M.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Courses Offered

S.No Degree Programme Name Establish Year
1 B.SC. CHEMISTRY 1966-1967
2 M.SC. CHEMISTRY (S.F) 2012 - 2013
3 PH.D. CHEMISTRY 2017 - 2018

Academic Activities

Academic Activities
  1. Seminar/Conference/Workshop/Endowment lectures/Quiz



Endowment lectures/ Seminars/Quiz


Emerging Frontiers in Nanoscience

National Seminar


Computational Chemistry

Endowment Lecture



Endowment lecture


General Chemistry

Intercollegiate Quiz Competition


Demonstration of Micro scale  analysis of organic substances

Endowment lecture

11-09- 2017

Innovation in Research

Endowment lecture

12-09- 2017

Group Theory

Endowment lecture


 Recent Advances in Material Science

National Seminar

2. Association meetings



Resource Person with address


National Science Day celebration with Quiz, Procorn, Collage, Grain Carpeting


15-07- 2017

Dental Care

Dr. Sinthuja Devi, Dentist, James Dental Clinic, Vetoornimadam, Nagercoil.

03-08- 2017

General Health and Stress Management

Dr. Sabesan

General Health, Chettikulam, Nagercoil.

17-08- 2017

Hair care and beauty tips

Mrs. Sumitha Augustus

Beautician, Nagercoil.

21-08- 2017

Pregnancy, Prenatal care,nursing the baby

Dr.Dolly, Gynaecologist

Holy Cross Hospital, Nagercoil.

5-10- 2017

General eye care Do’s and Don’ts of eye

Dr. Binula Christy, Opthalmologist, Government Hospital, Kudankulam

15-12- 2017

Caring for Ear, Nose and Throat

Dr. Edwin Emperor

ENT, Ramanputhoor


Eco friendly and renewable solar power for laboratories and class rooms.

Computer laboratory with internet facilities.

Well equipped research laboratory with instruments such as keithley meter, UV-spectrophotometer, Tubular furnace, Photocatalysis setup and Impedence analyser.

Regular visits to industries/ organizations/ field visits.

Organising seminars, International conference using webinar, workshops, exhibitions and endowment lectures.

MoUs with several institutions and organizations.

Participation by the PG students in the summer training programme organized by reputed institutions such as Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam, Department of Nuclear Physics, University of Madras, Chennai and Birla Planetarium, Chennai.

Completed one major (Rs.3,80,200/-) and 7 minor (ongoing-1) (Rs.13,70,950/-) research projects funded by UGC.

Conduct of “National Graduate Physics Examination” organized by Indian Association for Post Graduate Teachers for our UG students.

Regular Christmas visits by the staff and students to imbibe the Crossian values of sharing peace and joy with the differently abled people and the needy.

Physics Share - students sharing their pocket money for the welfare of the children of the neighbouring schools.

Celebration of the “Joy of Giving week” by helping the orphanage children of the nearby locality.

Contribution of money and materials by the staff and students to the people affected by the Ockhi cyclone.

Awards won by students

Name of the student


Name of the award

Jone Magdalene and Vaishnavi (III B.Sc Chemistry)


I Prize in the State Level Intercollegiate Quiz Competition

R.B. Sujitha and D. Susan Das


II Prize in the State Level Intercollegiate Quiz Competition

K. Sahaya Selin




Second Prize in the Intercollegiate Football Competition


M. Rashmi


Best poster presentation Award in National Symposium on Recent Advances and Applications in Chemistry, Annai Velankanni College, Tholayavattam

B. Jone Magdeline and K. Saranya - I M.Sc Chemistry


2nd prize in Intercollegiate Quiz  - Chemistry, conducted by  St. Xaviers College, Palayamkottai

P. Jony


Best poster presentation Award in  National Symposium on Recent Advances and Applications in Chemistry, AnnaiVelankanni College, Tholayavattam

S.N. Abisha


Best poster presentation Award in  National Symposium on Recent Advances and Applications in Chemistry, AnnaiVelankanni College, Tholayavattam

F. Divaniya


Best poster presentation Award in  National Symposium on Recent Advances and Applications in Chemistry, AnnaiVelankanni College, Tholayavattam


Prominent Alumnae



Present Status


Dr. Mary Gladis

Scientist, IIST, TVM


Dr. Rani Mathammal

Scientist, ISRO, TVM


Ms. Reeha Arun

Clinical Research Coordinator, Cancer Center, USA


Dr. Rosilda

Chinese Science Educator, Taiwan


Ms. Michael Ancy

Sogang University Seoul,South Korea


Dr.Betsy Bai

Associate Professor, S.T.Hindu College


Dr. R. Ragel Mabel Saroja

Head & Associate Professor, Scott Christian College


Dr.Anitha Pious

Senior Professor Gandigram Rural University