


Holy Cross College, Nagercoil inserted a new leaf in its annals in 1980, Bachelors in Commerce. Due to heavy patronage for Commerce education the department branched out to the M.Com programme in the year 2007. Furthermore additional Undergraduate Programmes also came into existence in 2006 and 2010. The M.Phil full time programme commenced from 2012 followed by our department becoming a Research Centre in commerce in the year 2017. In addition to commerce education and research, the department has been inculcating positive personality and holistic development of students through systematic and diverse teaching methods, personal attention and expert guidance. The Department has a strong faculty background contributing to quality education of the student community to transform them into competent youth to take up responsibilities in life and career.

Initially the department was headed by Mrs. Valsamma Antony. Then under the leadership of Mrs. Victoria Maheshwari the department reached its zenith. In 1988, Dr. Beula Dasan took charge as Head of the Department of Commerce and continued her service till 2015. From the year 2015-2018, Dr. S. Jesi Isabella was the Head of the Department, From the year 2018-2023, Dr. M. Mary Helen Stella was the Head of the Department, and at present  Dr. S. Mary Pearly Sumathi is leading the Department.



To enhance holistic development in students, by giving training in intellectual, psychological, spiritual and social concerns to make them successful women leaders in the society.



The department stands for identifying and enhancing the potentials and skills of students by providing in-depth knowledge on the subject and to create self-awareness and social consciousness



After the completion of the Commerce Course, our students will be able to

Ăź  To equip students with the practical knowledge, skills and values for an integrated growth.

Ăź  To enable the students to be competent enough to meet the challenges in the changing scenario.

From the HOD's Desk

Greetings from the Department of Commerce,


Welcome to the Department of Commerce, Holy Cross College (Autonomous) Nagercoil. The Department of Commerce is continuously moving ahead towards its vision, mission and objectives. It aims to inculcate skills in students which would motivate them to pursue their higher education in the field of commerce, facilitating them to become successful in any field they wish to explore and pursue. It offers a range of innovatively designed programmes whose curricula are constantly updated to meet the changing requirement of the world and also to meet the needs of major stakeholders. The curriculum is taught by well qualified faculty having academic excellence and real world experience with dedication and commitment. The department always encourages students to organise seminars & conferences, to participate in management events organized by other institutions and to involve themselves in activities of social relevance.

Thus the Department of Commerce emphasizes in academic excellence, social concern, character formation and strives to enkindle in them a love for learning, discovery and invention to improve the quality of life.

With this brief introduction, I welcome you to be a part of our journey towards being a world class centre of excellence in education, training and research.


Thanks and Regards,


Dr. S. Mary Pearly Sumathi, M.Com., B.Ed., M.Phil.,Ph.D.

Assistant Professor and Head of the Department,

Department of Commerce,

Holy Cross College(Autonomous),

Nagercoil – 4.

Mail id :





Working duration




Dr. Valsamma Antony

Assistant Professor


2 Years


Ms. Maria Victoria Maheswari

Assistant Professor


6 Years


Dr. Beula Dasan

Associate Professor


32 Years


Dr. S. Stella Bai

Associate Professor


33 Years


Dr. S. Jesi Isabella

Associate Professor


34 Years


Dr. M. Mary Helen Stella

Head & Associate Professor


34 Years

Faculty Profile

S.No Name Qualification Designation Google Site


Dr. Sr. S. Sahayaselvi

M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D.,NET, PGDCAB.



Dr. S. Mary Pearly Sumathi

M.Com.,B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Head & Assistant Professor


Dr. C. Braba

M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D., NET.

Assistant Professor


Dr. G. Hesil Jerda

M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Courses Offered

S.No Degree Programme Name Establish Year
1 B.COM. COMMERCE 1980 - 1981
2 PH.D. COMMERCE 2017 - 2018

Academic Activities

Academic Activities

H.Com Jottings

H.Com Jottings of Holy Cross College (Autonomous) is a bi-annual newsletter launched by the Department of Commerce in 2015-2016. This newsletter is a tool to surface the talents, abilities and skills of staff and students of both aided and self financed programmes. It is an opportunity for us to soar higher into the realm of knowledge. The LOGO indicates how the steering wheel of the ship (helm) pushes the ship forward to reach its destiny. Similarly, we want to inculcate in the students the moral and spiritual values which are the mission and vision of our college. This will enable them to be disciplined citizens whose contribution to nation building will be invaluable. In addition to this, they will be able to be highly competent in the job market too.

Association Meetings

To prepare the students eligible in the job market, to face the life challenges under various circumstances and for their overall development, we the Department of Commerce arrange various Association Meetings. Through these meetings we impart sufficient knowledge to the students with the support of experts on various fields. The resource persons and who have delivered talks on various titles are described here.

  1. Mr. Maria Anto, Jayam Academy, Nagercoil, ‘How to face Bank and Other Competitive Exams?’, 2015 –2016
  2. Mr. Narayana Rajan alias Nellai Kavinesan, Head of the Department of Business Administration, Adhithanar College, Tiruchenthur, ‘Personality Development’, 2017 –2018
  3. Dr. Darling Selvi, Assistant Professor in Commerce, Rani Anna College, Tirunelveli, ‘Cashless Economy’, 2016 –2017
  4. Mr. Vinoth Chand, Mr. Vivekanand Sable, (Internal Auditors) and Mr. Hari Kumar, (Branch

 Manager, Central Bank of India.), ‘Money Management’, 2017 –2018

  1. Mr. Venkadesh, Mr. Sunil Allen, Care School of Business Management, Trichy, ‘Stock Trading’ and ‘ Social Persona', 2017 –2018

Seminars Organised

  1. 1Workshop on Preparation for SET / NET Examinations during 2015-2016
  2. Workshop on Demonetisation of Indian Currency and its Impact on Indian Economy during 2016-2017
  3. Crosscom Evento 2K18 was organized

Dr.Stella Bai’s Endowment Lecture



Resource Person


Communication for Personality Development

Dr. S. Narayana Raja alias Nellai Kavinesan, HOD of Business Administration, Adhithanar College, Thiruchenthoor


Effective Policies to Empower and Support Women Entrepreneurship

Mr. Bubert, Assistant Director of District Industrial Centre, Konam

H.Com Share Scheme: 2013- 14 to 2017-18

H.Com Share Scheme, an extension activity was introduced by Department of Commerce (Aided) for the noble cause of extending financial support to the underprivileged and poor. To fulfill that noble cause the department selected St.Antony’s Primary School, Kurusady and extends support to financially poor children for which the students contribute Re.1 per week. From 2015-16 onwards, as requested by the faculty, our students unanimously agreed to contribute Rs. 2 per week. With the mobilised fund, help extended to the children in the following manner. 

2013-14 - School uniforms to 25 children.

2014 - 15 - School uniforms to 25 children. Various Competitions conducted to the children and attractive prizes were distributed.

2015 - 16 - School bags to 26 children.

2016 - 17 – School uniform to 30 children and 6 tables and 30 baby chairs were donated to the school.

2017 – 18 – 12 sets of dresses for girls and 3 sets of dresses for boys that can be used for entertainment programmes.

  • Pencil box kit distributed to each child.
  • Quiz conducted to the children on “General Knowledge” and the winners were given prizes


Achievements of Students

Georgina, Rajapriya, Karthika, Nisha, II Place, ‘Football’, Manonamaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli. – 2015-2016

Mesmin Gino, I Prize, Chess, Manonamaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli. – 2017-2018

Leenus Rexcy, Sivajothi, II Prize, ‘Volley Ball’, Manonamaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli. – 2017-2018

Famy Leethiya Francis, II Prize, ‘Badminton’, Manonamaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli. – 2017-2018

Seminar/Workshop Organized




Present Status


Ms. Famy

Senior Associate, KPMG Global Service, Chochin


Mrs. A.M.Femila

PG Assistant, St.Treesa’s Higher Secondary School, Vadakkankulam


Mrs. Buvana

Manager, Xavier Nidhi Limited, Nagercoil


Mrs.Hency Herbert

TGT,Teacher, St.Pauls Senior Secondary School, Banswara,Rajasthan


Mrs. J. Syria Pushpam Vimala

Assistant, Assistant Director of Town Panchayats, Nagercoil Zone.


S.Maha Devi

Section Supervisor, Emplyoees Provident Fund Organisation, Ambattur, Chennai.


Dr.A.Martina Franciska

Assistant Professor of Commerce, St.Xevier,s College (Autonomous) Palayamkottai.


Dr.S.Bulomine Regi

Assistant Professor of Commerce, St.Mary’s College(Autonomous), Thoothikudi.


Ms. K.Prithiska

Junior Assistant, Government Arts and Science College, Kanyakumari


Ms. Athira.R.S

Typist, Lekshmipuram College of Arts and Science, Neyyoor