


The department of French bloomed in the year 1968 in order to give students the opportunity to learn a foreign language. Students from various disciplines chose French as part –I course for undergraduate degree programme. We are proud to say that ours is the only one college in Kanyakumari District providing part-I French in aided stream. The department was privileged to have eminent professors’ like Fr.V.Melard, Sr.Eusebius, Sr.Edith, Sr.Mesmin, Sr.Mary Celina and Sr.Jessie.



Creating an academic world to motivate students to enhance global career options, through additional language learning by syncing the goals of the department with those of the institution



Creating a campus atmosphere that draws students towards French. Introducing the rudiments of French language and literature to facilitate employment oriented.



After the completion of the French course, our students will be able to

ü  To provide basic knowledge of French

ü  To develop the 4 language skills in French

ü  To nurture and enhance literary sensibility

ü  To equip students to be competent in international job market

ü  To encourage students to obtain translation skills