
   2025 - 2026 - PROGRAMMES OFFERED - HOLY CROSS COLLEGE(AUTONOMOUS), NAGERCOIL....ONLY COLLEGE WITH A++ GRADE IN KANYAKUMARI DISTRICT......    Last date for Registration -14.02.2025 - IIC and HCIIC organized Holy Cross Innovation Contest..............    27-02-2025 - International Conference on The Bio-Economy Revolution: Harnessing Life Sciences for a Sustainable Future organises by Dept of Zoology......    27-02-2025 - A Talk on Basics of Accounting - organises by Dept. of English Aided.............    28-02-2025 - National Conference on Strategic Foresight and Innovative Skills for Smart Material Research: Science for a Sustainable Future - organises by Dept. of Physics..........    25-02-2025 - Endowment Lecture on Applications of Nanomaterials organised by the Department of Chemistry, Mathematical Art and Symmetry - Drawing Contest organised by the Mathematics Club.......    27.02.2024 - Endowment Lecture on Overseas Internship and Education organised by the Department of English, Dr. Jespin Ida Endowment Lecture – Spices and Plantation crops organised by the Department of Botany, Session on IP Strategy for Entrepreneurs and Startups by IPR Cell of IIC.......    28.2.2025 - Seminar on Rethinking your Future organised by the Department of Corporate Secretaryship, ECON PETALS- Inter- class Cultural Competition organised by the Department of Economics, Seminar on Strategic foresight and research skills for smart materials innovation organised by the Department of Physics, Guidance for Competitive Examinations organised by the Department of Mathematics Club, Land to Lab organised by the Department of Computer Science, National conference on Bioentrepreneurship in Life Sciences organised by the Department of Zoology........




The department of French bloomed in the year 1968 in order to give students the opportunity to learn a foreign language. Students from various disciplines chose French as part –I course for undergraduate degree programme. We are proud to say that ours is the only one college in Kanyakumari District providing part-I French in aided stream. The department was privileged to have eminent professors’ like Fr.V.Melard, Sr.Eusebius, Sr.Edith, Sr.Mesmin, Sr.Mary Celina and Sr.Jessie.



Creating an academic world to motivate students to enhance global career options, through additional language learning by syncing the goals of the department with those of the institution



Creating a campus atmosphere that draws students towards French. Introducing the rudiments of French language and literature to facilitate employment oriented.



After the completion of the French course, our students will be able to

ü  To provide basic knowledge of French

ü  To develop the 4 language skills in French

ü  To nurture and enhance literary sensibility

ü  To equip students to be competent in international job market

ü  To encourage students to obtain translation skills

From the HOD's Desk

Greetings from the Department of French.


Learning a foreign language is a journey of discovery. The focus of the Department of French is to develop the basic language skills. Students are also initiated to French literature through the study of simple literary texts. They also learn to appreciate the French Culture. We inculcate in the students human values, leadership qualities through curriculum. The Department is keen on revamping the syllabus once in three years and the recent French manuals are introduced. The assessment of spoken French is an essential component of the testing pattern and the Viva-Voce is conducted in the IV semester. There is an increase in Student’s strength every year. The Department takes pride in organising a one day seminar/workshop for all the Students who have taken French as part I subject.


Thanks and Regards,


Ms. P.T. Anbu Hannah Dora, M.A., M.Phil.,

Associate Professor and Head of the Department,

Department of French,

Holy Cross College(Autonomous),

Nagercoil – 4.

Mail id :  french@holycrossngl.edu.in





Working duration




Fr. V. Melted

Assistant Professor


1 Year


Sr. Eusebius

Assistant Professor


1 Year


Sr. Mary Celina

Assistant Professor


13 Years


Sr. Edith

Assistant Professor


3 Years


Sr. Mesmin

Assistant Professor


6 Years


Sr. Jessie

Assistant Professor


3 Years

Faculty Profile

S.No Name Qualification Designation Google Site


Mrs. P.T.Anbu Hannah Dora

M.A, M.Phil.

Head & Associate Professor

Courses Offered

Academic Activities

Academic Activities

Workshops and seminars are organised every year

  1. Atelier de traduction
  2. Communiquons en Français
  3. Chantons Français
  4. Le monde fabuleux de la fountain et du panchatantra
  5. Parlons Français

Resource persons

1.Dr.R.Sudha,Professor and Head ,Dept.of French, Madurai Kamaraj University,Madurai

2.Mrs. Vijaya Balasubramanian ,Assistant Professor ,The American College,Madurai

Association Activities

  1. Celebration of French National Day
  2. Competitions like poetry recitation, le repas français, puzzle solving
  3. Special talks on advantages of learning and speaking French.
  4. Exhibitions



Outstanding in results

Students are motivated to do higher studies in French and they are placed in National and International levels.

Innovative contribution in French exhibitions and inviting students from other institutions

Serving as part-time teachers in neighboring colleges and schools


Seminar/Workshop Organized

Prominent Alumnae