
   2025 - 2026 - PROGRAMMES OFFERED - HOLY CROSS COLLEGE(AUTONOMOUS), NAGERCOIL....ONLY COLLEGE WITH A++ GRADE IN KANYAKUMARI DISTRICT......    Last date for Registration -14.02.2025 - IIC and HCIIC organized Holy Cross Innovation Contest..............    27-02-2025 - International Conference on The Bio-Economy Revolution: Harnessing Life Sciences for a Sustainable Future organises by Dept of Zoology......    27-02-2025 - A Talk on Basics of Accounting - organises by Dept. of English Aided.............    28-02-2025 - National Conference on Strategic Foresight and Innovative Skills for Smart Material Research: Science for a Sustainable Future - organises by Dept. of Physics..........    25-02-2025 - Endowment Lecture on Applications of Nanomaterials organised by the Department of Chemistry, Mathematical Art and Symmetry - Drawing Contest organised by the Mathematics Club.......    27.02.2024 - Endowment Lecture on Overseas Internship and Education organised by the Department of English, Dr. Jespin Ida Endowment Lecture – Spices and Plantation crops organised by the Department of Botany, Session on IP Strategy for Entrepreneurs and Startups by IPR Cell of IIC.......    28.2.2025 - Seminar on Rethinking your Future organised by the Department of Corporate Secretaryship, ECON PETALS- Inter- class Cultural Competition organised by the Department of Economics, Seminar on Strategic foresight and research skills for smart materials innovation organised by the Department of Physics, Guidance for Competitive Examinations organised by the Department of Mathematics Club, Land to Lab organised by the Department of Computer Science, National conference on Bioentrepreneurship in Life Sciences organised by the Department of Zoology........




The department of History was established in the year 1965. The department is reminiscent of the contribution of its stalwarts who have paved the way to success and glory through their hard work and sacrifices. We take pride in the illustrious alumni who have passed out of the portals of this magnificent institution. Its syllabi focuses on promoting the skills needed to clear competitive examinations like UPSC and TNPSC and eligibility cum entrance tests for higher studies like NET and SET. At present the department offers undergraduate, postgraduate and research programmes. PG programme was started in the year 2012 and the department became a research centre in the year 2017 under the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli.

We are committed and devoted to create a student-centric environment for providing wholesome education. The faculty of the department is dedicated, dynamic, highly motivated and talented. They are ever ready to support, guide and nurture the students. The classrooms are enabled with ICTs to make learning more interesting and interactive. Along with academics, the department also ensures that the students organise and participate in extra-curricular and co- curricular activities, both within and outside the campus. 

The department is accelerating its pace in the field of research with all the faculty members actively engaged in constant research work and publication, which is an added feature of excellence. We take effort to organise lecture series, workshops, exhibitions and endowment lectures providing students with the opportunity to interact with noted historians from across the nation. The department collaborates with international universities on staff and student exchange programmes. 

Further, to give a holistic development to students, seminars, workshops, symposia, philatelic exhibitions. Inter Collegiate Quiz – Historia, Inter Collegiate Competitions in collaboration with District Administration and TTDC, Kanyakumari and Intercollegiate Cultural Competitions in collaboration with Nehru Yuva Kendra, Kanniyakumari are conducted by the department.



With the thorough knowledge of the past, the Department of History aims to enable the students to understand the present,to look forward a bright feature and to create a harmonious and sustainable society.



ü  To provide a holistic development of all students through inclusive education.

ü  To stimulate and develop all facets of the student’s personality

ü  To inculcate a sense of social and ethical responsibilities

ü  To ascertain academic and professional excellence.

ü  To enhance the employability skills and entrepreneurial spirit



After the completion of the History Course, our students will be able to

ü  To provide a wider perspective and in depth knowledge in the subject.

ü  To enable students to identify and develop their potentials.

ü  To focus on value based education.

ü  To create self awareness and social consciousness.

ü  To help the students to learn lessons from history.

ü  To enhance the employability skills to qualify themselves as Teachers, Professors, Administrators, etc.

From the HOD's Desk

Greetings from the Department of History,


History – is the quintessence of human experience, It is a barometer that records the progress of humanity a treasure house of universal values and a veritable mine of sustainable living. With a firm belief in quality enhancement, the department of History takes efforts to experiment with novel ideas and innovative practices in curriculum designing and instructional strategies to ensure sustainable development and empowerment of the women folk of Kanniyakumari District. History education becomes fruitful, meaningful and goal-oriented, when opportunities are given to students to utilize their creative talents. The training given is meant to achieve academic excellence and to enable them to play their legitimate roles in society. The department stands for the upliftment and the all-round development of the students: it enables them to face the challenges of life through the study of the achievements and failures of the great personalities and events of the world. All the more, the department is committed to help the disadvantaged sections of society evolve into dignified citizens of India.


Thanks and Regards,


Dr. I. Jalaja Kumari, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.,

Assistant Professor and Head of the Department,

Department of History,

Holy Cross College(Autonomous),

Nagercoil – 4.

Mail id : history@holycrossngl.edu.in





Working duration




Sr. Fabiana

Assistant Professor


3 Years


Sr. Loretta

Assistant Professor


5 Years


Mrs. Tresa M. Raja Singh

Associate Professor


27 Years


Dr. Mrs. K. Sita

Assistant Professor


5 Years


Mrs. K. Pushpam

Assistant Professor


2 Years


Mrs. I. Tamilarasi

Assistant Professor


1 Year


Dr. Mrs. P. Mary Helen

Assistant Professor


6 Years


Ms.T.R.Prema lath

Assistant Professor

2007 - 2022

15 Years

Faculty Profile

S.No Name Qualification Designation Google Site


Dr. S. Regi

M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D

Assistant Controller of Examination & Associate Professor


Dr. I. Jalajakumari

M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D.

Head & Assistant Professor


Dr. V. Pradeepa

M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil.,NET.Ph.D

Assistant Professor


Dr. K. S. Soumya

M.A.,B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


Dr. K. Baby

M.A.,B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


Dr. R. Suji

M.A.,B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


Dr. S. Mary Judit

MA., M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Courses Offered

S.No Degree Programme Name Establish Year
1 B.A. HISTORY 1966-1967
2 M.A. HISTORY (S.F) 2012 - 2013
3 PH.D. HISTORY 2017 - 2018

Academic Activities


· The department has organized a one day National seminar on The Review of Local Self Government through the Ages in India on 29. 01. 2016

· The department has organized a one day National seminar on National seminar on Rewriting Indian History through Art on 28- 02- 2017.

· The department has organized a one day National seminar on National seminar on Dravidian Ideologies and Social Reform Movements on 22-09- 2017.

· One day District Youth Conference on Mahatma Gandhi’s Message to the Youth of Modern India 01-10-2019.

· The National webinar on A Gendered Past: The Epistemological problems in the writing History was held on 25-06-2020.

· The National webinar on Museum and Employability was held on 30-07-2021.

· Seminar was organized on the topic “Constitution, Polity and Law” on 29-04-2022.

· One day National Seminar on Exploring New Dimensions of History organized on 06-09-2022

· 30th Annual Session of the Tamil Nadu History Congress was held at Holy Cross College (Autonomous) Nagercoil from 22 September 2023 to 24 September 2023. Nearly 370 delegates (including professors, research scholars and researchers) registered and presented research articles in four different sections. A total of 442 participants took part in it.


IIC Seminars

Ø The Webinar on Women Entrepreneurship was held on 28-11-2020.

Ø The Webinar on the Success story of a Women Entrepreneurship was held on 28-11-2020.

Ø IIC seminar was conducted on the topic ‘How to plan to Start up- Legal and Ethical Steps’ on 30-03-2022.

Ø IIC Seminar on Unlocking Hidden Potential of Women Entrepreneurship 21-03-2023

Ø IIC Seminar on Benifites of Becoming an Entrepreneur  conducted on17-04-2023

Ø The Department of History & IIC organized a Seminar on ‘Generate more Entrepreneurs’ on 18th October 2023

Ø IIC Seminar on “Innovation and Design Thinking for Next Generation” on 25-03-2024.

News Letter

 The Department of History has realised a News Letter (2022-23) on 08-04-2024.


Intercollegiate Competitions –Historia


The department has organized an Intercollegiate Competition – Historia, in commemoration of our Republic Day &Voter’s Day, in the month of January every year. Various competitions like drawing, essay writing, elocution, singing, verse writing and quiz on current affairs, general knowledge and Indian History are used to be organized. Students from the nearby colleges of neighbouring districts participate in it.

Inter Collegiate Competitions- HISTORIA-2023 on Voter’s Day was conducted by the Department of History on 25-01-2023. Elocution, Documentary and Group Song were the programmes offered. Prizes were distributed to the prize winners.

HISTORIA -2024 (Intercollegiate Competitions on ‘My Right, My Vote, My Identity’) was held on 24-01-2024. Competitions on Documentary, Quiz and Rangoli was conducted by Electoral Literacy Club in collaboration with the Department of History.

Tornus - 2022

The Department of History conducted the Intercollegiate Quiz on 27-09-2022.

Other Competitions

Ø World Peace Day Elocution Competition conducted on 21-09-2021.

Ø Essay Writing Competition in commemoration of 75th Independence day of India.

Ø Despitha Ka Diwas - Intra Moral Quiz on Gandhi conducted on 06-10-2022.

Ø Inter School Children’s Day Elocution Competition on the topic Jawaharlal Nehru- the Architect Modern India on 14-11-2022.

Ø Independence Day Inter-collegiate Cultural Competition was held on 17th August 2023.

Ø Inter-class Cultural Competition on Democracy on 21-02-2024.

Awareness Programmes

Ø A Motivational Talk on Carrer Guidance conducted on February 25, 2022.

Ø Vigilance Awareness Week Celebration in commemoration of Vigilance Awareness Week from 31st October 2022 to 6th November 2022 on the theme “Corruption Free India for a Developed Nation” was celebrated

Ø Motivational Talk on Competitive Examination and Job Opportunities conducted on March 11, 2024.

Ø The Legal Awareness Programme on Women's Right was Organised by Department of Historyon 11-12-2023

Ø The Department of History organized a Documentary on “Women Entrepreneurship” on 14th March 2024.

Ø Electoral Literacy Club in collaboration with Department of History had organised and conductedthe Awareness Cultural programme on “100 % Voting” on 10-04-2024.

Field Trip & Educational Tour

· The department organized field trips to various places of historical, archaeological and heritage important sites to have a practical knowledge.

· Our Students have been taken to Rameshwaram, Bamban and Keeladi (Archaeological Excavation Site) as field trip from 05-03-2016 to 08-03-2016

· Our Students have been taken to Mysore and Seringapattnam (Historical Site) as field trip from 23-08-2017 to 26-08-2017.

· The department of History have organized Educational Tour to Bangalore, Mysore and Wonderla on 02-10-2019 to 06-10-2019.

· Field visit was organized to Government Museum, Kanyakumari on 02-03-2020.

· Field Trip was organized on 23-03-2022. Students have visited the historical places of Udhayagiri Fort, Padmanabhapuram Palace,Thirparappu Falls, Chitaral and Kumarakovil.

· Educational Tour was organized from 26-01-2023 to 28-01- 2023. Students have visited the historical places like Mattanchery Sinagaoue, Vagamon, Cochin shipyard.

· The department of History have organised a field trip to the students. They have visited the places of Museum, Zoo and Vettukadu Church.

Association Meeting

Ø Association Meeting Guest Lecture on ‘Women Empowerment through the Ages’ on 27-02-2021.

Ø Association Meeting and awareness talk on ‘Legal Rights of Women’ held on 04-10-2021.

Ø Association Meeting – Marshel Nesamony Day Celebration held on 27-10-2021.

Ø Association Meeting – Women’s Day Celebration held on 10-03-2022.

Ø Talk about ‘Values and Students’ on 20-05-2022.

Ø Talk about ‘Values in History’ on 12-09-2022.

Ø Association Meeting on ‘Tamil and History’ on 27-02-2023

Ø Association Meeting on ‘Two Hundred Years Remembrance of Upper Cloth Movement’ on 05-04-2023

Ø Valedictary – Association Meeting on “Costums and Cultures of India” incommemoration of World Heritage Day on 20-04-2023

Ø History Club - World Population Day talk on the topic “Power of Gender Equality” was arranged on 11-07-2023

Ø History Club on ‘Human Values’ on 23-01-2024

Ø History Club- Cultural Competition on ‘Democracy’ on 21-02-2024

Ø History Club Valedictory and Endowment Prize Distribution held on 10-04-2024.


National International Day Celebration

Constitution Day Celebration on 15- 11-2022

Awareness Programme on Human Rights on 16-12-2022

Women’s Day talk on Women as Nation Builder on 10-03-2023

Virtual Tourism was held on 27th September 2023 in commemoration of World Tourism Day.

Department of history has proudly registered that the World Unity Day was celebrated on 27 -10- 2023

The Programme Scopus Re- search was held on 07.08.2023.

Young Writers Forum is one of the programme started as Startup by the initiative of history department. This mega fest was held on 25-08-2023.

Research Colloquium

ü Department of History in collaboration with Department English was organized a Research Colloquium held on 22-02-2024


Ø Rare coins, currencies and stamps, antiques Exhibition on 02-08-2019 & 05-08-2019.

Ø HISTO- FEST 2021 Pre Historic evidences exhibition on 28-10-2021 and 29-10-2021.

Ø Teacher's Day Exhibition on Prominent Teacher Leaders of India on 05-09-2022

Ø National Unity Day Exhibition on Sardar Patel the Architect of Unification on 31- 10-2022

Ø International Year of Millets- Exhibition and talk on importance of Millets on 17-02-2023

Viva Voce Examinations

1. Date: 31-01-2022

   Name of the Scholar: K. Sherly

   Guide: Dr. K.S. Soumya.

2. Date: 02-02-2022

   Name of the Scholar: U.R. Reshma

   Guide: Dr. K.S. Soumya.

3. Date: 12-08-2022

    Name of the Scholar: D. Suja Nalatha Kumari

   Guide: Dr. I. Jalaja Kumari

4. Date: 07-10-2022

    Name of the Scholar: R. Shamini

   Guide: Dr. K.S. Soumya.

5. Date: 16- 11-2022

    Name of the Scholar: P.Vellaisamy

    Guide: Dr. K.S. Soumya.

6. Date: 20-02-2023

   Name of the Scholar: P. Ashmi Jenex

   Guide: Dr. I. Jalaja Kumari



Organising educational tours and field trips to the places of historical and archaeological importance.

Group Discussions and Demonstrations.

Conducting Seminars

Research Centre to pursue Ph.D. in History.

“H. Share” Joy of giving.

Conducting exhibitions focusing on rare coins, stamps and currency.

Conducting Inter-Collegiate Competitions “HISTORIA” in commemoration of Republic and Voters Day of India.

Conducting Gandhian Studies Examination.

Good rapport exists with parents and alumnae.

More than 60% of the students are first generation learners.

Encourage students to do projects.

Guide the students to do Internship and field projects.

Motivate the students to take part in the campus interview to get placement.

Concentrate more on startup activities.

Publish more books by the staff & students.


Seminar/Workshop Organized

Prominent Alumnae



Present Status



Associate Professor of History, Jeyaraj Anna Packiam College (Autonomous), Periyakulam


I. Jayakumari

Assistant Professor of History, Sarah Tucker College (Autonomous), Tirunelveli.


S. Doral

Assistant Professor of History, South Travancore Hindu College, Nagercoil.



Police, Tamil Nadu



Tamil Nadu Police, Coimbatore


Anu Bindhu

Tamil Nadu Home Guard Police, Nagercoil.


Maria Selvi

Administrative Officer, Central Excise, Tirunelveli


Abisha Glatlin

Office Assistant, Christ the King Polytechnic College, Coimbatore.


Ms.J. Gnana Selvam

Inspector of Police, W26 Ashok Nager Police Station, Chennai. Mobile No: 9498147061


Ms. Jasmin T

Headmistress Govt. Middle School Esanthimangalam.


Ms. R. Revathi

Senior Revenue Inspector. Mobile No: 9489254513


Dr. N. Mary Usha

Assistant Professor in History, Women's Christian College, Nagercoil.


Ms. R. Kalai Arasi

Women Head constable (Social Justice and Human Rights Unit) SP office, Nagercoil. Mobile No: 9498197156


Ms. R. Gipcy

Teacher (PGA), St. Antony’s Higher Secondary School, Kanniyakumari. Mobile No: 96000214861


Ms. S. Christi Sagaya Nisha

Proprietor, Nisha’s Beauty Parlor, Rajavoor, Mobile No:9445661246


Ms. Jisha

Physical Director S Thangapazham Agricultural College, Chinthamaniperiputhur, Tenkasi. Mobile No: 8903193880


Ms. S. Shibina

Physical Trainer (Special Need Kids) Blue Span Pvt Ltd. Mobile No: 9342483040


Ms. Abitha Mol. A M

Lady Physical Education Instructor, Dr. S.M.C.S.I Medical College & Hospital, Karakonam. Mobile No: 9345451340