Mathematics(Self Finance)



Because of the continuous demand for the Mathematics subject, the department of Mathematics (Self-Financed) was established in 2010 with a B.Sc in Mathematics. The department was recognized as PG department in 2016. 



To empower women globally competent with human values and ethics acquiring academic and entrepreneurship skills through holistic education.



ü  To create opportunities which will ensure academic excellence in critical thinking, humanistic and scientific inquiry.

ü  To develop application-oriented courses with the necessary input of values.

ü  To create a possible environment for innovation, team spirit and entrepreneurial leadership.

ü  To form young women of competence, commitment and compassion



After the completion of the Mathematics Course, our students will be able to

ü  To improve the general knowledge and general awareness of the students.

ü  Acquire a strong foundation in various branches of mathematics.

ü  Develop problem solving skills and logical thinking.

ü  Apply the skills and knowledge gained, to real life situations and face competitive examinations with confidence.

ü  Sharpen their analytical thinking, logical deductions and rigor in reasoning.

ü  Understand the tools required to quantitatively analyse data and have the ability to access and communicate mathematical information.

ü  Acquire knowledge of recent developments in various branches of mathematics and participate in conferences / seminars / workshops etc. and thus pursue research.

From the HOD's Desk

“Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit” - Stefan Banach

Greetings from the Department of Mathematics S.F.


            Mathematics is the queen of science and the language of nature. Science, technology and engineering cannot thrive without a solid mathematical foundation. It develops our reasoning, helps us to have analytical thinking, quickens our mind, generates practicality and also its use can be applied in the day-to - day life. The Department of Mathematics [S.F] provides need -based programmes like Analysis, Algebra, Graph theory, Operation Research and Differential Equations etc. so that the students can enter into the research field with strong foundation and can appear for the state and central level eligibility examinations and competitive examinations with confidence.

Thanks and Regards,


Dr. J. Anne Mary Leema, M.Sc., B.Ed., SET, Ph.D

Assistant Professor and Head of the Department,

Department of Mathematics SF,

Holy Cross College(Autonomous),

Nagercoil – 4.

Mail id :



Faculty Profile

S.No Name Qualification Designation Google Site


Dr. J. Anne Mary Leema

M.Sc., B.Ed., SET, Ph.D

Head & Assistant Professor


Dr. C. Jenila

M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


Dr. J. Nesa Golden Flower

M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil.,Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


Dr. B. Shekina Hentry

M.Sc., M.Phil. Ph.D

Assistant Professor

Courses Offered

S.No Degree Programme Name Establish Year
1 M.SC. MATHEMATICS 2016 - 2017

Academic Activities

Seminars/ Workshops/ Webinars Organised

1.      A National Level Seminar on “Algebra and Analysis” was organised on 25-09-2013. The resource persons are Dr.G.Suresh Singh, Kerala University and Mr.M. Velrajan, Aditanar College of Arts and Science, Tiruchendur.

2.      One day workshop on “NET/SET Guidance in Mathematics” was organised on 17.03.2014. The resource persons are     Dr.R.Parvathy,Retired Associate Professor, Holy Cross College,Nagercoil and Dr.C.Ganesan, Assistant Professor,     VHNSN college, Virudhunagar.

3.      A National Seminar on “Discrete Mathematics” was organised on 08-10-2018. The resource persons are Dr.V.Vilfred,     Associate Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, Central University of Kerala and Dr.B.Stephen John,     Associate Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, Annai Velankanni College, Tholayavattam.

4.      A National Seminar on “Analysis and Graph theory” was organised on 14-10-2019. The resource persons are Dr.     S. Kavitha, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Gobi Arts & Science College (Autonomous), Erode and Dr. S. V.     Ullas Chandran, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Mahatma Gandhi College,Kesavadasapuram, Pattom.

5.      A Webinar on Development of Entrepreneurial skills” was organised on 19-01-2021. The resource person was Mr.R.     Sathishraj B.E, CEO, E-Crusaders, Chennai.

6.      A Webinar on Fostering Mathematical Entrepreneurship” was organised on 11-02-2021.     The resource  person was Dr.S Sujith, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, St.Xavier’s College     (Autonomous),         Palayamkottai.

7.      A Webinar on Empowering Women Entrepreneurship” was organised on 23-09-2021. The resource persons are Er. J.     Jessy Flora, Senior Scientist & Group Director, IPRC, ISRO (Rtd) Mahendragiri and Dr. C. Braba , Assistant     Professor, Department of Commerce, Holy Cross College (Autonomous), Nagercoil.

8.  A Webinar on “Strategies to become a successful Entrepreneur” was organised on 23-02-2022 .     The resource person was Miss. Saujani Suresh, Make-up Artist, Cochin, Kerala.

9.      A Webinar on “Graph Decomposition and Graph Applications” was organised on 21.03.2022. The resource persons are     Dr.P.Chithra Devi, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Sri Parasakthi College for women, Courtallam and Dr.A. Rizwana,     Assistant Professor of Mathematics, V.H.N. Senthikumara Nadar College (Autonomous), Virudhunagar.



  •  ·         MOU with ‘Aditya Maths Academy’, Nagercoil
  • ·           MOU with ‘ECC Academy’, Nagercoil

 Association Activities

  •  ·        Celebrating “Ramanujan Day” every year in the Mathematics association.
  • ·     Arranging resource persons to provide talks on universal values, gender equity, health and wellness, trends and technology and eco-awareness.
  • ·         Organizing career guidance programs.

 Other Academic Activities

  •  ·        Arranging educational tour and industrial visit for the outgoing students every year.
  • ·         Organizing value added courses for UG students and summer training programs for PG students.
  • ·         Arranging Christmas visits every year to orphanages, old age homes, mentally retarded schools etc.
  • ·   Organizing programs on entrepreneurship and innovation in collaboration with IIC of Holy Cross College (Autonomous), Nagercoil.

 Best Practices

  • ·         Organizing TNPSC, NET and SET coaching classes.
  • ·         Posing challenging puzzles and problems in the common notice board of the department.
  • ·   In our department we have formed a quiz club ‘Mathletes’. Every year an individual or a team of students from this club selected to take part in mathematical quizzes and competitions conducted by various colleges.
  • ·       Our students are expressing their talents through “Talentia program.


  •  Conducting interclass mathematical model making competition, paper presentation competition, mathematics quiz programs every year for our student.
  •  Motivating the students to participate in various competitions, quiz programs and cultural programs organized inside the college and by other colleges.
  • Celebrating “Joy of Giving Week” by providing money and materials to the needy people
  •  Staff and students make contribution towards natural calamities, Covid-19 pandemic etc. to help the affected people.
  • The list of students selected in the campus interview is maintained as a record in the department.

Prominent Alumnae



Present Status



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Teacher, Balakrishna Matric Higher Secondary School, Vadakankulam.