
   2025 - 2026 - PROGRAMMES OFFERED - HOLY CROSS COLLEGE(AUTONOMOUS), NAGERCOIL....ONLY COLLEGE WITH A++ GRADE IN KANYAKUMARI DISTRICT......    Last date for Registration -14.02.2025 - IIC and HCIIC organized Holy Cross Innovation Contest..............    27-02-2025 - International Conference on The Bio-Economy Revolution: Harnessing Life Sciences for a Sustainable Future organises by Dept of Zoology......    27-02-2025 - A Talk on Basics of Accounting - organises by Dept. of English Aided.............    28-02-2025 - National Conference on Strategic Foresight and Innovative Skills for Smart Material Research: Science for a Sustainable Future - organises by Dept. of Physics..........    25-02-2025 - Endowment Lecture on Applications of Nanomaterials organised by the Department of Chemistry, Mathematical Art and Symmetry - Drawing Contest organised by the Mathematics Club.......    27.02.2024 - Endowment Lecture on Overseas Internship and Education organised by the Department of English, Dr. Jespin Ida Endowment Lecture – Spices and Plantation crops organised by the Department of Botany, Session on IP Strategy for Entrepreneurs and Startups by IPR Cell of IIC.......    28.2.2025 - Seminar on Rethinking your Future organised by the Department of Corporate Secretaryship, ECON PETALS- Inter- class Cultural Competition organised by the Department of Economics, Seminar on Strategic foresight and research skills for smart materials innovation organised by the Department of Physics, Guidance for Competitive Examinations organised by the Department of Mathematics Club, Land to Lab organised by the Department of Computer Science, National conference on Bioentrepreneurship in Life Sciences organised by the Department of Zoology........

Rules and Regulations

Examination, Evaluation and Minimum Pass Percentage

• Internal test is conducted two times in a semester. The duration is 2 hours for each test.

• Students those who have completed at least one internal test and other internal components are permitted to write the external examination.

• Students can apply through online for semester examination.

• Hall tickets can be downloaded from the College website prior to the examination.

• There shall be examinations at the end of each semester, for odd semesters in October/November and for even semesters in April / May.

• A candidate who does not pass the examination in any course(s) shall be permitted to re-appear in such failed course(s) in the subsequent examinations to be held in October / November or April / May. However, candidates who have arrears in Practical Examination(s) shall be permitted to re - appear for their arrears only along with Regular Practical examinations in the respective semester.

• Viva-voce : Each candidate shall be required to appear for Viva-voce Examination in defence of the Project.

• Evaluation for each course shall be done by Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) by the Course teacher as well as by an end semester examination and will be consolidated at the end of the semester. Semester examination will be for 3 hours, conducted at the end of the semester, by the Controller of Examination. Double valuation system is followed for PG and M.Phil. courses. If the difference between the two valuations exceeds 15 marks, the Controller of Examinations may recommend for a third valuation by another external examiner

• For UG students, a minimum of 40% in the external examination and an aggregate of 40% is required. For PG students and M.Phil. Scholars a minimum of 50% in the external examination and aggregate of 50% is required. There is no minimum pass percentage for the CIA

The performance of a student in each Course is evaluated in terms of percentage of marks with a provision for conversion to grade points.

Conferment of the Degree

A candidate shall be eligible for the conferment of the Degree only if the minimum required credits for the programme is earned.

Results, Revaluation, Reappearance and Supplementary Examinations


After the valuation of papers, the results will be scrutinized by the Award Committee and then published.

Students will receive the results on their mobile through SMS. They can also view them online - erp.holycrossngl.edu.in. Students will be given a mark sheet for every semester examination. At the end of the course, a consolidated mark sheet of the final results based on Grade Point Average is awarded to each student.


Revaluation is permitted only for regular examinations of the UG courses and not for arrears and Part IV Courses and this is done only after payment of the prescribed fee at the stipulated time. Fee prescribed according to the rules currently in force in the college will have to be paid. Concerning the results of the revaluation, if the revalued mark is higher than the original mark, then it will be recorded as the final mark. If not the original mark will be retained.

Xerox copy of answer scripts

To ensure transparency the Xerox copy of the answer scripts are made available to the students on request.

Reappearance for Arrear Course

Students can take up arrear examinations along with the subsequent regular end semester examinations. The candidates with arrears will be permitted to appear for the arrear examinations in the same syllabus for a period of 2 years from the year of normal completion of the same course (for UG 3+2 years and for PG 2+2 years) failing which they have to appear for the courses in the latest syllabus prescribed for the course. If no course is available in the same title, then the candidates shall appear for the arrear courses that are prescribed to be equivalent by the Chairperson / Board of Studies / Controller of Examination and HoD concerned.

Reappearance for Theory Papers

Students are permitted to write their arrear papers in all the subsequent semesters.

Supplementary Examination for Final Semester

For the outgoing students a supplementary examination will be conducted within ten days after the semester examination results, to help them to get their degrees without delay. UG students who have no arrears up to fifth semester and PG students who have no arrears up to third semester are allowed to write the supplementary examination. UG and PG students can appear for only two arrears in the supplementary examination. The question paper pattern for supplementary examination will be the same as the regular examination for each subject. Candidates, who are writing the supplementary examination are required to submit the filled in application form and pay the examination fee as specified.

Addressing Grievances

In case of grievance of any nature, including those concerning the CIA, students can appeal to the Grievance Appeal Committee. Principal is the Chairperson of the committee.

A student, if dissatisfied with her marks, has the right to appeal for a review of her marks in the CIA test (formative assessment) as per the procedure detailed below:

a. Such appeals should be made to the course teacher(s) immediately after receiving the valued scripts.

b. If additional clarification is necessary, the student should approach the Head of the Department concerned. The HoD will try to sort out the problem and initiate all efforts to settle the matter amicably.

c. If not satisfied with (a) and (b) the student shall, within 3 days, make a written appeal to the Principal through the HoD/ Controller of Examination who will forward the same to the Grievance Appeal Committee for further review. The decision of the Grievance Appeal Committee shall be the final.

Semester Examination Question Papers

Any complaint with respect to the semester examination question paper must be brought to the notice of the Controller of Examinations on the day of examination within an hour after the commencement of the examination by the course-in-charge or by the HoD concerned. In the absence of HoD, the next senior teacher would take up this responsibility.


A candidate must earn 75% of attendance per semester to take the semester examination. Candidates who have less than 75% of attendance but above 62% shall make a written request for condonation of attendance to the Principal one week prior to the last working day of the semester. Request for condonation of attendance will be considered by the Principal in consultation with the Head of the Department. In case of prolonged illness, request for condonation of attendance should be supported by a valid medical report from a Registered Medical Practitioner. If granted condonation, the students have to remit a condonation fee to take the semester examinations. Students having attendance of less than 62% should repeat the missed semester and then continue the remaining semesters.

No Dues

Clearance of fee dues is a pre-requisite for

1. Issue of Hall ticket for the semester examination.
2. Getting Transfer Certificate from the college.

Span Period for completion of degree (UG / PG)

UG students must complete their course within five years (3+2) and PG students within four years (2+2). Under exceptional cases a further extension of one year may be given with the concern of the University as per the regulations and the student will be considered as a private candidate.